Question 1. The following code contains one compilation error, find it?public class Test {Test() { } // line 1static void Test() { this(); } // line 2 public static void main(String[] args) { // line 3Test(); // line 4}}
At line 2, constructor call
At line 3, compilation error, ambiguity problem, compiler can't determine whether a constructor
At line 4
At line 1, constructor Tester must be marked public like its class
Question 4. What is the expected output?public class Profile { private Profile(int w) { // line 1 System.out.print(w); } public static Profile() { // line 5 System.out.print (10); } public static void main(String args[]) { Profile obj = new Profile(50); }}
10 50
Won't compile because of line (1), constructor can't be private
Won't compile because of line (5), constructor can't be static
Question 6. What is the expected output?public class Profile {private Profile(int w) { // line 1System.out.print(w);}public final Profile() { // line 5System.out.print(10);}public static void main(String args[]) {Profile obj = new Profile(50);}}
Won't compile because of line (5); constructor can't be final
Won't compile because of line (1); constructor can't be private
Question 10. What is the expected output?class Animal {Animal() {System.out.println("Animal");}}class Wild extends Animal{Wild() {System.out.println("Wild");super();}}public class Test {public static void main(String args[]) {Wild wild = new Wild();}}