Answer: Option A. -> Rainfall is seasonal
Peninsular India is mainly a plateau region with a general slope towards the neighbouring seas. Most of the rivers of this region are non-perennial, meaning they do not flow throughout the year. This is mainly due to the seasonal nature of the rainfall in this region.
Rainfall in Peninsular India:
1. Rainfall in Peninsular India is seasonal, meaning it occurs only in certain months of the year.
2. Rainfall is usually confined to the months from June to September, and is most intense in July and August.
3. The rainfall in this region is also highly variable from year to year.
4. The amount of rainfall received in any given year can vary greatly from the average.
Reasons for Non-Perennial Rivers:
1. As the rainfall in Peninsular India is seasonal and variable from year to year, most of the rivers are non-perennial.
2. These rivers are dependent on the monsoons and the amount of rainfall received in that particular year.
3. In years with low rainfall, the rivers will not receive enough water to flow throughout the year.
4. During periods of low rainfall, the rivers will dry up and become non-perennial.
5. In addition, some of the water that flows in these rivers is also derived to tanks and other water sources, reducing the amount of water in the rivers and making them non-perennial.
In conclusion, the main reason for the non-perennial nature of most of the rivers in Peninsular India is the seasonal and variable nature of the rainfall in this region. Rainfall is usually concentrated only in certain months of the year and can vary greatly from year to year, resulting in a lack of steady water flow throughout the year for these rivers. In addition, some of the water is also diverted to other sources, further reducing the amount of water available in these rivers.