The property = distance in pixels or points sets distance from left edge of the screen.
JavaArray is accessed from within JavaScript code.
The web browser can store Blobs in memory or on disk, and Blobs can represent really enormous chunks of data (such as video files) that are too large to fit in main memory without first being broken into smaller pieces with slice().
During the traversal in the stack manner, after going to the namespace, it goes to the Window.
The Date object defines two static methods namely Date.parse() and Date.UTC().
One of the lesser known sides of external JavaScript is the ability to reference a PHP file instead of the familiar .js file.
In the HTML DOM, the Attr object represents an HTML attribute.
The preference(name,value) method allows a signed script to get and set some Netscape preferences. If the second parameter is omitted, this method will return the value of the specified preference; otherwise, it sets the value. Netscape only.
The Geolocation API makes the user's current location available to browser-based applications.
To view the console, select Tools “ Error Consol or Web Development.