Sail E0 Webinar


Total Questions : 100 | Page 5 of 10 pages
Question 41. How is NO converted to NO₂ for analysis in UV and Visible analyzers?
  1.    Treating sample gas with pressurized oxygen
  2.    Treating sample gas with ozone
  3.    Treating sample gas with oxygen at low pressure
  4.    Treating sample gas with water at high pressure
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Answer: Option A. -> Treating sample gas with pressurized oxygen
Answer: (a).Treating sample gas with pressurized oxygen
Question 42. The instruments based on chemiluminescence maintain linearity in which of the following ranges?
  1.    1ppb to 100ppb
  2.    100ppb to 1000ppb
  3.    1ppb to 1000ppb
  4.    100ppb to 1000ppb
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Answer: Option C. -> 1ppb to 1000ppb
Answer: (c).1ppb to 1000ppb
Question 43. During analysis of NO₂ using Chemiluminescent analyser, why is NO₂ not made to react with ozone directly?
  1.    Less accuracy
  2.    It is a slow process
  3.    It leads to contamination of the sample
  4.    It does not produce luminescence
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Answer: Option B. -> It is a slow process
Answer: (b).It is a slow process
Question 44. How is NO converted to NO₂ for analysis in Chemiluminescent analyser?
  1.    Treating sample gas with pressurized oxygen
  2.    Treating sample gas with ozone
  3.    Treating sample gas with oxygen at low pressure
  4.    Treating sample gas with water at high pressure
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Answer: Option B. -> Treating sample gas with ozone
Answer: (b).Treating sample gas with ozone
Question 45. How can absorption be enhanced while determining NO concentration using CO laser?
  1.    By converting NO into NO₂
  2.    By placing NO in a magnetic field
  3.    By using proper monochromators
  4.    By using choppers
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Answer: Option B. -> By placing NO in a magnetic field
Answer: (b).By placing NO in a magnetic field
Question 46. Which of the following measuring technique is utilized for measuring nitrogen?
  1.    By using a method based on gas density
  2.    By using paramagnetic analyzers
  3.    By using magnetic wind instruments
  4.    By using a photospectrometer where a gas sample is analysed and detected with a photocell
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Answer: Option D. -> By using a photospectrometer where a gas sample is analysed and detected with a photocell
Answer: (d).By using a photospectrometer where a gas sample is analysed and detected with a photocell
Question 47. Gases emit radiation under which of the following conditions which can be used for determination of gases?
  1.    When mixed with other gases
  2.    When kept at suitable temperature
  3.    With sufficient electrical excitation and at suitable pressures
  4.    When exposed to radiation
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Answer: Option C. -> With sufficient electrical excitation and at suitable pressures
Answer: (c).With sufficient electrical excitation and at suitable pressures
Question 48. When hot-wires are used as detectors amplification is not required.
  1.    True
  2.    False
  3.    May be True or False
  4.    Can't say
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Answer: Option B. -> False
Answer: (b).False
Question 49. Which of the following is the effective sample volume in analyzers based on gas density?
  1.    10 ml
  2.    20 ml
  3.    5 ml
  4.    50 ml
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Answer: Option C. -> 5 ml
Answer: (c).5 ml
Question 50. The characteristic emission of which colour, when discharge takes place in a low pressure chamber containing gas sample, will indicate the presence of nitrogen while using photospectrometer?
  1.    Purple
  2.    Blue
  3.    Pink
  4.    Green
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Answer: Option A. -> Purple
Answer: (a).Purple

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