Total Questions : 10
Answer: Option D. -> All of the above mentioned
Question 2. Below code is an example of:Ext.create('',{ model:'StudentDataModel', proxy : { type :'rest', actionMethods :{ read :'POST' // Get or Post type based on requirement }, url :'restUrlPathOrJsonFilePath',// here we have to include the rest URL path which fetches data from database or Json file path where the data is stored reader:{ type :'json', // the type of data which is fetched is of JSON type root :'data' },}});
Answer: Option A. -> Local Proxy
Answer: Option D. -> All the above
Answer: Option C. -> Both A and B
Answer: Option D. -> All of these
Answer: Option D. -> Opera version 9 and later (PC and Mac)
Answer: Option D. -> All of the above
Answer: Option D. -> All of these