Sail E0 Webinar


Total Questions : 932 | Page 2 of 94 pages
Question 11. What stock represents ownership and enjoys certain preferences than ordinary stock?
  1.    Authorized stock
  2.    Preferred stock
  3.    Incorporator’s stock
  4.    Presidential stock
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Answer: Option B. -> Preferred stock
Question 12. What is the factor name of the formula [i(1+i)^n]/[((1+i)^n)-1]?
  1.    Uniform series sinking fund
  2.    Capital recovery
  3.    Single payment present worth
  4.    Uniform gradient future worth
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Answer: Option B. -> Capital recovery
Question 13. What refers to a document that shows proof of legal ownership of a financial security?
  1.    Bond
  2.    Bank note
  3.    Coupon
  4.    Check
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Answer: Option C. -> Coupon
Question 14. The financial analysis:
  1.    Helps a share holder to compare the expected return on his investment in the firm against the expected return from other alternative investment
  2.    Helps a bank to know the financial position of the firm for granting a loan to the firm
  3.    Helps to judge the success of the firm's financial plans
  4.    All of these
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Answer: Option D. -> All of these
Question 15. What refers to the exchange mechanism that brings together the sellers and the buyers of a product, factor of production or financial security?
  1.    Mall
  2.    Market
  3.    Store
  4.    Office
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Answer: Option B. -> Market
Question 16. What denotes in the fall in the exchange rate of one currency in terms of the others? This term is usually applies to the floating exchange rate.
  1.    Currency appreciation
  2.    Currency depreciation
  3.    Currency devaluation
  4.    Currency float
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Answer: Option B. -> Currency depreciation
Question 17. Miss Evilla borrowed money from a bank. She receives from the bank P1,340.00 and promised to pay P1,500.00 at the end of 9 months. Determine the corresponding discount rate or often referred to as the “banker’s discount”.
  1.    13.15 %
  2.    13.32 %
  3.    13.46 %
  4.    13.73 %
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Answer: Option D. -> 13.73 %
Question 18. The sunk costs include:
  1.    A past expenditure
  2.    An unrecovered balance
  3.    An invested capital that cannot be retrieved
  4.    All of these
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Answer: Option D. -> All of these
Question 19. Annuities involve:
  1.    A series of payments
  2.    All payments of equal amount
  3.    Payment at equal time intervals
  4.    All of these
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Answer: Option D. -> All of these
Question 20. An amount of P1,000 becomes P1,608.44 after 4 years compounded bimonthly. Find the nominal interest.
  1.    11.89 %
  2.    12.00 %
  3.    12.08 %
  4.    12.32 %
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Answer: Option B. -> 12.00 %

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