Sail E0 Webinar

11th And 12th > Biology


Total Questions : 45 | Page 2 of 5 pages
Question 11.

Among energy values of nutrients, 9.3 calories is that of:

  1.     Fats
  2.     Proteins
  3.     Vitamins
  4.     Carbohydrates
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> Fats
The calorific value of food is the amount of energy released by the complete oxidation of food. One g of fat yields 9.3 kcal (1 kcal = 4.1868 × 1000 joules); 1 g of carbohydrate yields 4.1 kcal; and 1 g of protein yields 4.1 kcal.
Question 12.

Carrier ions like Na+ facilitate the absorption of substances like

  1.     Fructose and some amino acids
  2.     Amino acids and glucose
  3.     Glucose and fatty acids
  4.     Fatty acids and glycerol
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> Amino acids and glucose
Glucose and some amino acids are absorbed with the help of the carrier ions like Na+. This mechanism is called the facilitated transport.
Question 13.

In vertebrates, lacteals are found in

  1.     Oesophagous
  2.     Ear
  3.     Ileum of Small Intestine
  4.     Ischium
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> Ileum of Small Intestine
Ileum is the part of small intestine. Its mucosa is raised into numerous microscopic projections called the villi. The villi contain a minute blind ended lymph vessel lacteals, which help in the absorption of fats. From the lacteals, the lipoprotein chylomicrons are carried into the blood stream directly via thoracic lymphatic duct.
Question 14.

The islets of Langerhans are found in

  1.     Pancreas
  2.     Stomach
  3.     Liver
  4.     Alimentary canal
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> Pancreas

The ‘islets of Langerhans’ are the clusters of cells of the endocrine portion of pancreas. They produce hormones Insulin, Glucagon and Somatostatin

Question 15.

During prolonged fasting, in what sequence are the following organic compounds used by the body:

  1.     Carbohydrate-fat-protein
  2.     Carbohydrate-protein-fat
  3.     Fat-protein-carbohydrate
  4.     fat-carbohydrate-protein
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> Carbohydrate-fat-protein

During starvation, that is when food requirement of body is not fulfilled by the ingested food, reserve carbohydrate is used first by the body and after carbohydrates, fat is used as energy and at last when carbohydrates and fats are consumed, proteins are used as a source of energy. Proteins are used at last because proteins are the main structural component of the body and the net energy produced by burning protein is less.

Question 16.

Match the following types of digestion with their related terms and examples
Column IColumn IIi.Intracellular digestiona. Humansii. Extracellular digestionb. Masticationiii. Mechanical digestionc. Enzymatic actioniv. Biochemicaldigestiond. Amoeba

  1.     i). a ., ii). c., iii). d., iv). b
  2.     i). d., ii). a., iii). b., iv). c
  3.     i).c., ii).d., iii).a., iv).b
  4.     i). a., ii).d., iii).b., iv). c
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> i). d., ii). a., iii). b., iv). c

The correct matching pairs are :
Intracellular digestion takes place in amoeba. Amoeba is an unicellular organism and it ingests food through phagocytosis, and stores it inside the body in a vacuole. The digestion takes place inside the vacuole, within the body of the organism and therefore it shows intracellular digestion.
Digestion in humans occur inside the alimentary canal that is a hollow digestive tract that enables ingestion, digestion and absorption of food. It does not occur inside cells and therefore is extracellular digestion.
Breaking food down into smaller particles, such that you increase the surface area of the food materials occurs in the oral cavity of many animals through a process called mastication or chewing.
Biochemical disgestion is the breakdown of small food particles with the help of enzymes, therefore it is also called enzymatic digestion. 

Question 17.

Consider the following four statements and select the incorrect option, stating the ones that are true (T) and the ones that are false (F) :

I. Upper and Lower Esophageal Sphincters work with opposite peristaltic movements.

II. Entry of food into the stomach from the esophagus is mediated by receptive relaxation..

III. Myenteric plexus and Meissner's plexus help in lubrication of the esophagus.

IV. Failure in regulation of flow by Upper Esophageal Sphincter leads to GERD.

  1.     I.T II. T III.T IV.T
  2.     I. F II. T III. F IV.T
  3.     I.T II. F III.T IV. F
  4.     I.T II. T III.T IV. F
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> I.T II. T III.T IV. F

Statement IV is false because, GERD is caused due to prolapsed reflexes of the Lower Esophageal Sphincter (NOT the UES) epithelium leading to failure in the mechanism of Lower Esophageal Sphincter which pushes gastric acid juices into the esophagus causing GERD or Gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Question 18.

Lactose is hydrolysed into

  1.     Fructose only
  2.     glucose only
  3.     glucose+fructose
  4.     glucose +galactose
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> glucose +galactose
Lactose is hydrolysed to glucose and galactose ,in presence of lactase enzyme.
Question 19.

In man, the zymogen or chief cells are mainly found in

  1.     Cardiac part of stomach
  2.     Pyloric part of stomach
  3.     Duodenum
  4.     Fundic part of stomach
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> Fundic part of stomach
Zymogen or chief cells are present in the fundic part of stomach. Chief cells are usually basal in location and secrete gastric digestive enzymes as proenzymes or zymogens; pepsinogen and prorennin.
Question 20.

Pancreas produces

  1.     Three digestive enzymes and one hormone
  2.     Three types of digestive enzymes and two important gluose related hormones
  3.     Two digestive enzymes and one hormone
  4.     Three digestive enzymes and no hormone
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> Three types of digestive enzymes and two important gluose related hormones
Pancreas secretes three types of digestive enzymes trypsinogen, chymotrypsinogen and procarboxypeptidase. These enzymes digest proteins. The two hormones secreted are insulin and glucagon that maintain glucose level in the blood.

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