Sail E0 Webinar


Total Questions : 40 | Page 4 of 4 pages
Question 31. Typically, there should be at least two different copies of the database schema used in the redesign process.
  1.    False
  2.    True
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Answer: Option A. -> False
Question 32. The SQL-92 command to change a table name is RENAME TABLE.
  1.    False
  2.    True
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Answer: Option A. -> False
Question 33. It is not easy to build a database correctly the first time.
  1.    False
  2.    True
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Answer: Option B. -> True
Question 34. The data model produced from the reverse engineering process is a true logical model.
  1.    True
  2.    False
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Answer: Option B. -> False
Question 35. Reverse engineering is the process of reading a database schema and producing a data model from that schema.
  1.    False
  2.    True
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Answer: Option B. -> True
Question 36. Information systems and organizations do not just influence each other; they create each other.
  1.    True
  2.    False
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Answer: Option A. -> True
Question 37. Dependency graphs are diagrams that consist of nodes and arcs that show the dependencies of a database.
  1.    True
  2.    False
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Answer: Option A. -> True
Question 38. The EXISTS keyword will be true if any row in the subquery meets the condition.
  1.    False
  2.    True
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Answer: Option B. -> True
Question 39. The NOT EXISTS keyword will be true if any row in the subquery meets the condition.
  1.    True
  2.    False
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Answer: Option B. -> False
Question 40. Adding null columns to a table is straightforward.
  1.    False
  2.    True
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> True

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