Sail E0 Webinar

Computer Aptitude


Total Questions : 480 | Page 7 of 48 pages
Question 61. _____ allows users to upload files to an online site so they can be viewed and edited from another location.
  1.    General-purpose applications
  2.    Microsoft Outlook
  3.    Web-hosted technoloty
  4.    Office Live
  5.    None of these
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> Office Live


Question 62. What is the overall term for creating, editing, formatting, storing , retrieving, and printing a text document?
  1.    Word processing
  2.    Spreadsheet desigh
  3.    Web design
  4.    Database management
  5.    Presentation generation
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> Word processing

Word Processing is a technique to create, edit, format, store, retrieve and print a text document using computer application software called Word Processor.

Question 63. Fourth generation mobile technology provides enhanced capabilities allowing the transfer of both ____ data, including full motion video, high-speed  Internet access, and videoconferencing.
  1.    video data and information
  2.    voice and nonvoice
  3.    music and video
  4.    video and audio
  5.    None of these
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> voice and nonvoice

Fourth generation mobile technology also known as 4G is a set standard of internet access using broadband access. With higher capacity and completely IP oriented technology in use, 4G is basically the extension in 3G technology with more bandwidth in 3G 

Question 64. Which of these is not a means of personal communication on the Internet?
  1.    chat
  2.    instant messaging
  3.    instanotes
  4.    electronic mail
  5.    None of these
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> instanotes

Instanotes is an online tool for notes taking and saving locally without registering using mail accounts avoiding personal communication. One can simply login using social media networking sites and save the notes which can later be sent to email accounts.

Question 65. What feature adjust the top and bottom margins so that the text is centered vertically on the printed page?
  1.    Vertical justifying
  2.    Vertical adjusting
  3.    Dual centring
  4.    Horizontal centring
  5.    Vertical centring
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option E. -> Vertical centring

A page has top, bottom, left, and right margins. Top and bottom margins can be set for the vertical alignment of the page. To horizontally center the text on a page, left and right margins are to be set.

Question 66. The Internet is ___ 
  1.    a large networks of network
  2.    an internal communication system for a business
  3.    a communication system for the Indian government
  4.    a communication system for some states of India
  5.    a communication system for some cities of India
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> a large networks of network


Question 67. Computers that are portable and convenient for users who travel are known as ____
  1.    supercomputers
  2.    planners
  3.    minicomputers
  4.    file servers
  5.    laptops
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option E. -> laptops


Question 68. What is the storage area for email messages called?
  1.    A folder
  2.    A mailbox
  3.    A directory
  4.    The hard disk
  5.    None of these
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> A mailbox


Question 69. One advantage of dial-up Internet access is _____
  1.    it utilizes broadband technology
  2.    it is Indian
  3.    it uses a router for security
  4.    modem speeds are very fast
  5.    it utilizes existing telephone service
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option E. -> it utilizes existing telephone service


Question 70. What is the process of copying software programs from second any storage media to the hard disk called?
  1.    configuration
  2.    download
  3.    storage
  4.    upload
  5.    installation
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option E. -> installation


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