Sail E0 Webinar


Total Questions : 42 | Page 4 of 5 pages
Question 31. Pick the odd one out.
  1.    Trypsin
  2.    Chymotrypsin
  3.    Elastase
  4.    Aspartate transaminase
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Answer: Option D. -> Aspartate transaminase
Answer: (d).Aspartate transaminase
Question 32. Trypsinogen is activated by _________ enzyme.
  1.    transaminase
  2.    α – amylases
  3.    enterokinase
  4.    proteinase
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Answer: Option C. -> enterokinase
Answer: (c).enterokinase
Question 33. Which of the following reaction is not catalyzed by 5ᴵ – nucleotidase?
  1.    Adenosine monophosphate to adenosine
  2.    Inosine 5ᴵ – phosphate to inosine
  3.    Guanosine monophosphate to guanine
  4.    Creatine phosphate to creatine
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> Creatine phosphate to creatine
Answer: (d).Creatine phosphate to creatine
Question 34. Which of the following is an exopeptidase?
  1.    Trypsin
  2.    Chymotrypsin
  3.    Elastase
  4.    Carboxypeptidase
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Answer: Option D. -> Carboxypeptidase
Answer: (d).Carboxypeptidase
Question 35. Most of the dietary purines are converted to ________ in the intestinal cells.
  1.    chymotrypsin
  2.    creatine
  3.    uric acid
  4.    maltase
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Answer: Option C. -> uric acid
Answer: (c).uric acid
Question 36. Excess of uric acid causes ________
  1.    duodenal ulcer
  2.    macroamylsemia
  3.    gout
  4.    sphincter of oddi
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Answer: Option C. -> gout
Answer: (c).gout
Question 37. Which enzyme converts acetylcholine to choline and acetate?
  1.    Acetylcholine esterase
  2.    Creatine kinase
  3.    5ᴵ – nucleotidase
  4.    Transaminase
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Answer: Option A. -> Acetylcholine esterase
Answer: (a).Acetylcholine esterase
Question 38. Allopurinol is administered to treat gout.
  1.    True
  2.    False
  3.    May be True or False
  4.    Can't say
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Answer: Option A. -> True
Answer: (a).True
Question 39. Which of the following statements are not true for gout disease?
  1.    Blocking secretion of pancreatic juice
  2.    Disease of joints
  3.    Joints become inflamed, painful and arthritic
  4.    Kidneys are also affected
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Answer: Option A. -> Blocking secretion of pancreatic juice
Answer: (a).Blocking secretion of pancreatic juice
Question 40. Acetylcholinesterase is found in ________
  1.    saliva juice
  2.    pancreatic juice
  3.    matrix of synaptic cleft
  4.    tears
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> matrix of synaptic cleft
Answer: (c).matrix of synaptic cleft

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