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11th And 12th > Biology


Total Questions : 60 | Page 2 of 6 pages
Question 11.

Who proposed five kingdom classification and named kingdoms as Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia?

  1.     Herbert Copeland
  2.     R H whittaker
  3.     Carl woese
  4.     Carolus Linnaeus
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> R H whittaker

R H Whittaker proposed the five kingdom classification in 1969 and named the kingdoms as Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia.

Question 12.

Cyanobacterial cells which are specialized for nitrogen fixation are

  1.     Homogenes
  2.     Heterocysts
  3.     Endospores
  4.     Akinetes
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> Heterocysts

heterocyst is a differentiated cyanobacterial cell that carries out nitrogen fixation. 

Question 13.

Which of the following is false regarding Cyanobacteria?

  1.     They are chemosynthetic autotrophs
  2.     They often form blooms in polluted water bodies
  3.     Anabaena is an example of this group
  4.     They have chlorophyll - a similar to green plants
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> They are chemosynthetic autotrophs

They are photosynthetic autotrophs.

Question 14.

Diatomaceous earth is used in 

  1.     Purification of uranium
  2.     Filtration and purification of liquids
  3.     Insulation and sound proofing
  4.     Both (b) and (c)
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> Both (b) and (c)
Diatomaceous earth is used in filtration and purification of liquids as well as insulation and sound proofing. 
Question 15.

Flagella of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells differ in

  1.     Type of movement and placement in cell             
  2.     Location in cell and mode of functioning
  3.     Microtubular organization and type of movement
  4.     Macrotubular organization and function
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> Microtubular organization and type of movement

Eukaryotic flagella show 9+2 arrangement which is absent in prokaryotes.

Question 16.

Coprophilous fungi are those

  1.     Which grow on tree stumps
  2.     Which grow on dung
  3.     Which produce fruiting bodies
  4.     Which reproduce only asexually
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> Which grow on dung

 Herbivore dung supports a wide variety of coprophilous fungi. 

Question 17.

Which one of the following is not eukaryotic?

  1.     Protista
  2.     Monera
  3.     Plantae
  4.     Animalia
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> Monera

Monera is prokaryotic as they do not have a well-defined nucleus. All the organisms of this kingdom are prokaryotes. Complex structure was the basis of classification of organisms, many centuries ago. According to R.H. Whittaker's five kingdom classification, all the bacteria were placed under the Kingdom Monera. Monera is considered as the most primitive group of organisms. They include various types of bacteria and blue-green algae. Monerans are most abundant of all organisms, due to the versatility of their habitat. It is estimated that a single drop of water contains 50 billion bacteria.

Question 18.

The algal component of a lichen is known as

  1.     Mycobiont
  2.     Phycobiont
  3.     Phycocyanin
  4.     Phycoerythrin
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> Phycobiont

Lichen is a symbiotic association between algae and fungi. Algal component is called phycobiont and fungal component is called mycobiont.

Question 19.

Which of the following is not a character of Protista?

  1.     Protists are prokaryotic
  2.     Some Protists have cell walls
  3.     Mode of nutrition is both autotrophic and heterotrophic
  4.     Body organization is cellular
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> Protists are prokaryotic

Protists are eukaryotic in nature.

Question 20.

Assertion: Euglena is a plant due to the presence of chlorophyll.
Reason: Euglena cannot be classified on the basis of two kingdom system.

  1.     Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion
  2.     Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion
  3.     Assertion is true but Reason is false
  4.     Assertion is false but Reason is true
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion

Euglena is a green coloured, single celled organism which moves like animals. Some taxonomists considered it to be animals. Some taxonomists considered it a plant and included it in the plant kingdom on the basis of chlorophyll while others included it in animal kingdom alongwith the protozoans because of the locomotion by flagella.

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