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Total Questions : 1678 | Page 39 of 168 pages
Question 381. Atoms bonded to each carbon atom in a molecule can be determined by
  1.    molecular formula
  2.    empirical formula
  3.    structural formula
  4.    skeletal formula
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Answer: Option C. -> structural formula
Answer: (c).structural formula
Question 382. The least detail of simplest ratio of different types of atoms in a molecule is represented in
  1.    molecular formula
  2.    empirical formula
  3.    structural formula
  4.    skeletal formula
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Answer: Option B. -> empirical formula
Answer: (b).empirical formula
Question 383. Relative molecular mass for propene (C₃H₆) is
  1.    12
  2.    42
  3.    24
  4.    21
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> 42
Answer: (b).42
Question 384. The number or organic compounds known today is above
  1.    1 million
  2.    2million
  3.    3 million
  4.    4 million
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Answer: Option D. -> 4 million
Answer: (d).4 million
Question 385. The indicator used in the Mohr's method is
  1.    Starch
  2.    Potassium Chromate solution
  3.    Potassium nitrate
  4.    Methyl orange
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Answer: Option B. -> Potassium Chromate solution
Answer: (b).Potassium Chromate solution
Question 386. A technique used for the determination of the arrangement of the of atoms in crystalline solids is termed as
  1.    Crystallography
  2.    Sublimation
  3.    Titration
  4.    Qualitative analysis
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Answer: Option A. -> Crystallography
Answer: (a).Crystallography
Question 387. Argentometric titration is mostly used for the determination of
  1.    Halides
  2.    SCN-
  3.    CN-
  4.    All of above
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Answer: Option D. -> All of above
Answer: (d).All of above
Question 388. A method used for the separation of a mixture by using the medium in which the components move at different rates is termed as
  1.    Crystallization
  2.    Chromatography
  3.    Distilation
  4.    None of above
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Answer: Option B. -> Chromatography
Answer: (b).Chromatography
Question 389. Precipitation titrations are classified into main types according to the method of detection of endpoint
  1.    Two
  2.    Three
  3.    Four
  4.    Five
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Answer: Option B. -> Three
Answer: (b).Three
Question 390. The ions that cannot be determined by Mohr's method is
  1.    Chloride ions
  2.    Thiocyanate ions
  3.    Iodide ions
  4.    Bromide ions
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> Iodide ions
Answer: (c).Iodide ions

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