Sail E0 Webinar


Total Questions : 274 | Page 3 of 28 pages
Question 21. Equatorial ridge formation in the cell wall takes place in which of the following bacteria?
  1.    Streptomyces sp.
  2.    Bacillus subtilis
  3.    Streptococcus faecalis
  4.    Escherichia coli
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Answer: Option C. -> Streptococcus faecalis
Answer: (c).Streptococcus faecalis
Question 22. The portion of the growth curve where a rapid growth of bacteria is observed is known as ____________
  1.    Lag phase
  2.    Logarithmic phase
  3.    Stationary phase
  4.    Decline phase
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Answer: Option B. -> Logarithmic phase
Answer: (b).Logarithmic phase
Question 23. When septum formation occurs near the pole of cell then it results in the formation of daughter cell known as _________
  1.    microcell
  2.    macrocell
  3.    minicell
  4.    daughter cell
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Answer: Option C. -> minicell
Answer: (c).minicell
Question 24. A bleb or fold like formation occurs in which of the following bacteria?
  1.    Rhodopseudomonas acidophila
  2.    Bacillus subtilis
  3.    E.coli
  4.    Streptococcus faecalis
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Answer: Option C. -> E.coli
Answer: (c).E.coli
Question 25. Which of the following does not occur during binary fission in bacteria?
  1.    Cell elongation
  2.    Cytokinesis
  3.    DNA duplication
  4.    Spindle formation
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Answer: Option D. -> Spindle formation
Answer: (d).Spindle formation
Question 26. A cluster of polar flagella is called
  1.    lophotrichous
  2.    amphitrichous
  3.    monotrichous
  4.    petritrichous
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Answer: Option A. -> lophotrichous
Answer: (a).lophotrichous
Question 27. Flagella move the cell by
  1.    many flagella beating in a synchronous, whip-like motion
  2.    an individual flagellum beating in a whip-like motion
  3.    spinning like a propeller
  4.    attaching to nearby particles and contracting
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Answer: Option C. -> spinning like a propeller
Answer: (c).spinning like a propeller
Question 28. The protein from which hook and filaments of flagella are composed of, is
  1.    keratin
  2.    flagellin
  3.    gelatin
  4.    casein
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Answer: Option B. -> flagellin
Answer: (b).flagellin
Question 29. Which of the following may contain fimbriae?
  1.    Gram-positive bacteria
  2.    Gram-negative bacteria
  3.    Both (a) and (b)
  4.    None of these
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Answer: Option B. -> Gram-negative bacteria
Answer: (b).Gram-negative bacteria
Question 30. The cooci which mostly occur in single or pairs are
  1.    Streptococci
  2.    Diplococci
  3.    Tetracocci
  4.    None of these
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Answer: Option B. -> Diplococci
Answer: (b).Diplococci

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