Sail E0 Webinar



Total Questions : 220 | Page 12 of 22 pages
Question 111. (a) Great leaders tried / (b) to eradicate social evil practices/(c) with tooth and nail/ (d) No error.
  1.    Great leaders tried
  2.    to eradicate social evil practices
  3.    with tooth and nail
  4.    No error
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> with tooth and nail
Answer: (c)
Question 112. He was very tired (a)/ of work so he said (b)/ that he would (c)/ not accompany us. (d)/No error (e)
  1.    was very tired
  2.    of work so he said
  3.    that he would
  4.    not accompany us.
  5.    No error
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option E. -> No error
Answer: (e)
Question 113. (a) I refused to consider/(b) him as an honest boy /(c) as he had cheated many people/(d) No error.
  1.    I refused to consider
  2.    him as an honest boy
  3.    as he had cheated many people
  4.    No error
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> him as an honest boy
Answer: (b)
Question 114. Although he only earns (a)/ sixteen hundred rupees per month (b)/ yet he manages his (c)/ family well. (d)/No error (e)
  1.    Although he only earns
  2.    sixteen hundred rupees per month
  3.    yet he manages his
  4.    family well.
  5.    No error
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> Although he only earns
Answer: (a)
Question 115. He is a linguist (a)/ and always tries to (b)/ make his students (c)/ pronounce the words correctly. (d)/No error (e)
  1.    He is a linguist
  2.    and always tries to
  3.    make his students
  4.    pronounce the words correctly.
  5.    No error
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> and always tries to
Answer: (b)
Question 116. I hardly ever (a)/ see him (b)/ because in my opinion (c)/he is not a reliable man. (d)/No error (e)
  1.    I hardly ever
  2.    see him
  3.    because in my opinion
  4.    he is not a reliable man.
  5.    No error
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option E. -> No error
Answer: (e)
Question 117. He has been trying (a)/ to persuade her for several months (b)/ but he has (c)/ not still succeeded. (d)/No error (e)
  1.    He has been trying
  2.    to persuade her for several months
  3.    but he has
  4.    not still succeeded.
  5.    No error
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> not still succeeded.
Answer: (d)
Question 118. Every member of the family (a)/ is addicted to drinking (b)/ and so Asha is. (c)/ No error (d)
  1.    Every member of the family
  2.    is addicted to drinking
  3.    and so Asha is.
  4.    No error
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> and so Asha is.
Answer: (c)
Question 119. (a) She had barely/(b) nothing to wear/(c) when she came to me for help/(d) No error.
  1.    She had barely
  2.    nothing to wear
  3.    when she came to me for help
  4.    No error
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> nothing to wear
Answer: (b)
Question 120. (a) We must try /(b) to save our hardly /(c) earned money/(d) No error.
  1.    We must try
  2.    to save our hardly
  3.    earned money
  4.    No error
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> to save our hardly
Answer: (b)

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