Exam : 8TH GRADE
Test Name : Biology
Chapters : (Practice Test 3)

Total Questions : 30


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Questions Preview :

Ques 1.
Wildlife sanctuaries are protected forests that are completely safe for plants and animals.
Ques 2.
Among the following which cell can be seen with an unaided eye?
Ques 3. I am a comma-shaped, bacterial pathogen which spreads through contaminated water and food. I cause severe diarrhoea and water loss in the infected person. If not properly treated, the infected person can be dehydrated. Who am I?
Ques 4. Number of sex chromosomes in human kidney cell is 
Ques 5.
Which of these diseases are not caused by fungi?
Ques 6.
The process of cell death is known as ___.
Ques 7.
Which of the following is Chlamydomonas?
Ques 8. _______ is the source book which keeps a record of all the endangered animals and plants.
Ques 9.
The process of conversion of sugars into alcohol by the action of yeast is known as fermentation.
Ques 10. Adolescents should be careful about what they eat, because


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