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One morning after sunrise Vikas and Shanu were standing in a lawn with their back towards each other. Vikas’s shadow fell exactly towards left-hand side. Which direction Shanu was facing ?

A .  East
B .  West
C .  North
D .  South
Answer: Option D
The given question is a classic example of using shadows to determine the direction. We are given that Vikas and Shanu are standing in a lawn with their backs towards each other, and Vikas's shadow falls towards the left-hand side. We need to determine the direction Shanu is facing.
We know that shadows are formed when an object blocks the path of light. The direction of the shadow depends on the position of the object relative to the source of light. In this case, the source of light is the sun, which rises in the east and sets in the west. The direction of the shadow is opposite to the direction of the source of light.
Since Vikas's shadow falls towards the left-hand side, we can infer that he is facing towards the east direction. Therefore, Shanu, who is standing with his back towards Vikas, must be facing in the opposite direction, which is the west direction. Hence, option B and C can be eliminated.
Therefore, the correct answer is option D South.
To summarize, the solution to the given question involves the following steps:
  • Determine the direction of the shadow based on the position of the object relative to the source of light.
  • Use the direction of the shadow to determine the direction in which the object is facing.
  • Determine the direction in which Shanu is facing based on his position relative to Vikas and the direction of Vikas's shadow.
Some important terms and concepts related to directions and shadows are:
  • Cardinal directions: The four main directions, namely north, south, east, and west.
  • Relative directions: The directions in between the cardinal directions, such as northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest.
  • Shadow: It is a dark area or shape that is created when an object blocks the path of light.
  • Source of light: It is the origin of the light that illuminates an object and creates its shadow.
  • Angle of elevation: It is the angle between the horizontal and a line from the observer's eye to an object that is higher than the observer.
  • Angle of depression: It is the angle between the horizontal and a line from the observer's eye to an object that is lower than the observer.

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