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Rs. 600 are divided among A, B, C so that Rs. 40 more than 2/5 th of A’s share, Rs. 20 more that 2/7 th of B’s share and Rs. 10 more than 9/17 th of C’s may all be equal. What is A’s share (in Rupees)?

A .  150
B .  170
C .  200
D .  280
Answer: Option A
Let A's share be x.
According to the question,
  • 2/5 of A's share = x * 2/5
  • Rs. 40 more than 2/5 of A's share = x * 2/5 + 40
  • 2/7 of B's share = (600 - x)/3 * 2/7 = 4/21(600-x)
  • Rs. 20 more than 2/7 of B's share = 4/21(600-x) + 20
  • 9/17 of C's share = (600 - x)/3 * 9/17 = 18/17(600-x)
  • Rs. 10 more than 9/17 of C's share = 18/17(600-x) + 10
As per the question,
x * 2/5 + 40 = 4/21(600-x) + 20 = 18/17(600-x) + 10
Solving the above equation, we get
x = 150
Therefore, A's share is Rs. 150.
To solve this question, we can start by assuming A's share to be x and then using the given information to form an equation.
We are given that the amounts received by A, B, and C should be such that Rs. 40 more than 2/5 of A's share, Rs. 20 more than 2/7 of B's share, and Rs. 10 more than 9/17 of C's share should be equal.
Using this information, we can form an equation as shown above and solve for x.
It is important to note that we need to express the share of B and C in terms of x in order to form the equation. We can do this by using the fact that the total amount divided is Rs. 600 and that the sum of the shares of A, B, and C should be equal to Rs. 600.
Once we solve the equation, we get x = 150, which is the share of A.

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