Sail E0 Webinar
Walking at three-fourth of his usual speed, a man covers a certain distance in 2 hours more than the time he takes to cover the distance at his usual speed. The time taken by him to cover the distance with his usual speed is
A .  5 hours
B .  6 hours
C .  5.5 hours
D .  4.5 hours
Answer: Option B
Answer: (b)$4/3$ × usual time - usual time = 2$1/3$ usual time = 2Usual time = 2 × 3 = 6 hoursUsing Rule 8,Here, $\text"A"/ \text"B"= 3/4$, time= 2 hrs.Usual Speed= $\text"A"/\text"Diff of A and B"$ × time= $3/{(4 - 3)} × 2$ = 6 hours

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