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Three persons A, B and C divide a certain amount of money such that A's share is Rs.4 less than half of the total amount. B's share is Rs.8 more than half of what is left and finally C takes the which is Rs.14. Find the total amount they initially had with them?
A .  Rs.61
B .  Rs.85
C .  Rs.80
D .  Rs.70
E .  None of these
Answer: Option C

Let the total amount be Rs.P
Let shares of A and B be Rs.X and Rs.Y respectively.
Given, C's share was Rs.14.
X + Y + 14 = P --- (1)
From the given data, X = P/2 - 4 --- (2)
Remaining amount = P - (P/2 - 4) = P/2 + 4
Y = 1/2(P/2 + 4) + 8
=> P/4 + 10 --- (3)
From (1), (2) and (3)
P/2 - 4 + P/4 + 10 + 14 = P
=> 3P/4 + 20 = P
=> P - 3P/4 = 20
=> P/4 = 20 => P = Rs.80

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