Sail E0 Webinar
The complete solution set of ‘x’ for |x-1|+|x-2| + |x-3| + |x-4| > 10 is
A .  (-1,2) U (3,)
B .  (-,0) U (5,)
C .  (-,-2) U (2,)
D .  (-,-1) U (4,)
E .  (-,- 1] U [5, ;)
Answer: Option B
Substitute x= 0, we will get f(x) = 10. So when x = -ve we will get f(x) > 10.
Also, we will get f(x) >10 only when x > 5. hence, answer is option (b)
Or we can also go from the answer option and eliminate the wrong options.

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