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Question 191
Construct a rhombus CLUE in which CL = 7.5 cm and LE = 6 cm.

Answer: Option A
We know that, all sides of a rhombus are equal and opposite sides are parallel to each other.
Steps of Construction
Step I Draw a line segment CL = 7.5 cm.
Step II With C as a centre, draw an arc CE = 7.5 cm.
Step III With L as a centre, draw another arc LU = 7.5 cm.
Question 191Construct A Rhombus CLUE In Which CL = 7.5 Cm An...
Step IV Now, with centre L, draw an arc LE = 6 cm, which cut-off previous arc CE.
Step V With E as a centre, draw an arc UE = 7.5 cm, which cut off the previous arc LU.
Step VI Now join UL, CE and EU.
Thus, we have required rhombus CLUE.

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