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In a country, all numbers are represented with the help of 3 alphabets, a, b & c. 15 is written as abc; 6 is written as bc; 60 is written as bcbc. How would 17 be written in that country?
A .  abb
B .  bab
C .  baa
D .  aba
E .  5222
Answer: Option A
If only 3 digits are involved, the system has to be in base 3 with the digits 0,1,2. We can confirm the base using the examples provided.
In A Country, All Numbers Are Represented With The Help Of 3...
Thus, a=1 ,b=2 and c=0 (you can reconfirm using the other examples as well)
17 in base 3 = In A Country, All Numbers Are Represented With The Help Of 3... = abb.

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