Sail E0 Webinar

If three objects of same mass are dropped from different heights h1h2 & h3 such that h1 > h2 < h3, then which of the following is true about their corresponding potential energy (PE1PE2 & PE3):

A .   PE1 > PE2 > PE3
B .   PE1 > PE2 < PE3
C .   PE1 < PE2 < PE3
D .   PE1 < PE2 > PE3
Answer: Option B

Potential Energy = Force × Displacement =mg×h where, m is the mass, g is acceleration due to gravity and h is the height.

Since the objects are of the same mass and acceleration due to gravity has a fixed value on earth, the force mg in all three cases are same.

 Potential Energy  =constant×h

 Potential energy is directly proportional to its height.

We know that, h1 > h2 < h3.

Therefore, PE1 > PE2 < PE3

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