Sail E0 Webinar

If 3a = 4b = 6c and a + b + c = `27sqrt(29)`, then `sqrt(a^2 + b^2 + c^2 )` is :

A .  `3sqrt(29)`
B .  81
C .  87
D .  None of these
Answer: Option C

`:.`  `sqrt(a^2 + b^2 + c^2)` =  `sqrt((a + b + c)^2 - 2(ab + bc + ca))`

= `sqrt((27sqrt(29))^2 - 2(2c xx 3/2 c + 4/2 c xx c  + c xx 2c))`

=`sqrt((729xx 29) - 2(3c^2 + 3/2 c^2 + 2c^2))`

= `sqrt((729 xx 29) - 2 xx 13/2 c^2)`

=`sqrt((729 xx 29) - 13 xx (6sqrt(29))^2)`

= `sqrt(29(729  - 468))`

=`sqrt(29 xx 261)` = `sqrt(29 xx 29 xx 9)` =   29 x 3 =  87.

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