Sail E0 Webinar

How will a person take the reading of a fluid kept in a container with a laboratory thermometer?

A .   By touching the thermometer to the base of the container from outside.
B .   By touching the thermometer to the sides of the container from outside.
C .   By placing the thermometer in the liquid such that it does not touch the base or the side of the container.
D .   By placing the thermometer above the surface of the fluid.
Answer: Option C

A kink is not present in laboratory thermometer. Therefore, the reading should be taken when the thermometer is immersed in the fluid. The thermometer should not touch the sides or the base of the container as the container may not have the same temperature as the fluid (especially if the container is not a very good conductor of heat). Thus, keeping the thermometer in touch with the container may give an inaccurate reading.

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