Sail E0 Webinar
Given $$\sqrt 2 = 1.414.$$   Then the value of $$\sqrt 8 $$  $$ + $$ $$2\sqrt {32} $$  $$ - $$ $$3\sqrt {128} $$  $$ + $$ $$4\sqrt {50} $$   is = ?
A .  8.426
B .  8.484
C .  8.526
D .  8.876
Answer: Option B
Given expression,
$$\sqrt {4 \times 2} + 2\sqrt {16 \times 2} - 3\sqrt {64 \times 2} $$       $$ + $$ $$4\sqrt {25 \times 2} $$
& = 2\sqrt 2 + 8\sqrt 2 - 24\sqrt 2 + 20\sqrt 2 \cr
& = 6\sqrt 2 \cr
& = 6 \times 1.414 \cr
& = 8.484 \cr} $$

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