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Explain how industrial activities, agricultural activities, deforestation, construction work and increase in population decrease the water table? [5 MARKS]
Explanation of each activity: 1 Mark
Agricultural activities use a lot of water and irrigation by traditional methods leads to wastage of water. Also, use of rainwater for irrigation interferes with the process of infiltration which recharges the groundwater.

Deforestation or cutting of trees also hampers the process of infiltration as trees hold rainwater and allow ample time for seeping of water droplets under the ground. In the absence of trees, the rainwater gets washed off easily and cannot be absorbed by the ground.
Industrial work and factories also use a lot of water and consuming it from the river will decrease the level of water which may lead to drying of the river.
Increase in population creates demand for more water and more construction, which leads to more consumption of water.
Again, construction work consumes a lot of water and blocks pores in the ground from absorbing water.
So, we see that all these activities would lead to further depletion of water and will decrease the water table.

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