Sail E0 Webinar
Consider the statements given below. Select the correct option :
Statement A: The chance of survival of young ones is greatest in viviparous organisms
Statement B: The fertilized eggs are covered by hard calcareous shell in viviparous organisms.
A .  Both the statements are correct and B is the reason for A
B .  Both the statements are wrong
C .  Statement A is correct and B is wrong
D .  Statement A is wrong and B is correct
Answer: Option C
In viviparousanimals the embryo is implanted in the female body and it derives nourishment from the parent. These animals provide maximum care for the embryo, nourishing it until it grows into a fully formed fetus and givingbirth toyoung ones. For e.g. mammals. Embryonic care and protection is greatest in these animals, giving their offspring the highest chanceof survival.
Oviparous organisms like reptiles and birdslay fertilised eggs, here even though fertilisation is internal, embryogenesis is external. The eggs laid by these animals are protected by a hard calcareous shell and are laid in a safe place in the environment.
In case of animals that lay unfertilized eggs there is almost no parental care of young ones.

So the statement A is correct and the statement B is not correct.

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