Sail E0 Webinar
By travelling at 40 kmph, a person reaches his destination on time. He covered two-third the total distance in one-third of the total time. What speed should he maintain for the remaining distance to reach his destination on time?
A .  20 kmph
B .  30 kmph
C .  25 kmph
D .  15 kmph
E .  None of these.
Answer: Option A

Let the time taken to reach the destination be 3x hours.
Total distance = 40 * 3x = 120x km He covered 2/3 * 120x = 80x km in 1/3 * 3x = x hours
So, the remaining 40x km, he has to cover in 2x hours.
Required speed = 40x/2x = 20 kmph.

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