Sail E0 Webinar
A container of 90 liters with two liquids A and B, 60% of liquid A and 30% of liquid B are taken out of the vessel. This leaves the container 40% empty. Find the initial quantity of both liquids.
A .  60 litres
B .  54 litres
C .  57 litres
D .  50 litres
Answer: Option A

Here withdrawal of liquid A and B result into making the container empty. Hence percentage of two liquids withdrawn are two components of the percentage by which the container becomes empty. Applying the rule of alligation, we getA : B = 10 : 20 or 1 : 2 Quantity of liquid = 1 (1 + 2) × 90 = 30 liters Quantity of liquid B = 90 ? 30 = 60 liters.

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