Sail E0 Webinar

$MF#%\text{if a = 0.2917, then the value of }\sqrt{4a^2 - 4a + 1} + 3a\text{ is :}$MF#%
A .  0.5834
B .  0.2917
C .  1.2917
D .  2.2917
Answer: Option C

Answer : Option C

Explanation :

$MF#%\sqrt{4a^2 - 4a + 1 } + 3a = \sqrt{(1)^2 - 2 \times 1 \times 2a + (2a)^2} + 3a = \sqrt{\left(1 -2a\right)^2}+ 3a \\\\= 1 - 2a + 3a = 1 + a\\\\
=1 + 0.2917 = 1.2917$MF#%

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