Sail E0 Webinar


Total Questions : 149 | Page 9 of 15 pages
Question 81. Major expressions used with find command to select file is it has been accessed in more than 375 days, is
  1.    None of these
  2.    #NAME?
  3.    #NAME?
  4.    #NAME?
  5.    #NAME?
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> #NAME?
Question 82. The UNIX file system stores a date in physical blocks of
  1.    256 bytes
  2.    None of these
  3.    512 bytes
  4.    1024 bytes
  5.    2048 bytes
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Answer: Option C. -> 512 bytes
Question 83. Which of are following internal commands is used in mail to forward mail to user in user-list?
  1.    None of these
  2.    d user-list
  3.    r user-list
  4.    e user-list
  5.    m user-list
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option E. -> m user-list
Question 84. Which command is used with file named 'note' to remove the executable permission from the user and assign read permission to the group and others?
  1.    chmod go+x, u-x note
  2.    None of these
  3.    chmod g-x, uo+r note
  4.    chmod go+r, u+x note
  5.    chmod u-x, go+r note
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Answer: Option E. -> chmod u-x, go+r note
Question 85. Which of the following commands is used to display the filenames in multiple columns?
  1.    ls -x
  2.    ls
  3.    ls -1
  4.    lc
  5.    None of these
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Answer: Option A. -> ls -x
Question 86. Which command is used to terminate all processes in your own system except the login shell?
  1.    kill 0
  2.    None of these
  3.    kill 1
  4.    cancel all
  5.    cancel 1
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Answer: Option A. -> kill 0
Question 87. Which of the following signs is used to back up over typing errors in vi?
  1.    !
  2.    None of these
  3.    #
  4.    $
  5.    @
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Answer: Option C. -> #
Question 88. Which command is used to link the files?
  1.    cp
  2.    None of these
  3.    tar
  4.    lk
  5.    ln
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Answer: Option E. -> ln
Question 89. Which of the following commands is used to have a two-way communication with any person who is currently logged in?
  1.    grep
  2.    mesg
  3.    None of these
  4.    write
  5.    mail
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Answer: Option D. -> write
Question 90. Which operator will be used with chmod command to assign absolute permission?
  1.    %
  2.    -
  3.    +
  4.    None of these
  5.    =
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Answer: Option E. -> =

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