Sail E0 Webinar


Total Questions : 149 | Page 12 of 15 pages
Question 111. Which command allows you to view your file 24 lines at a time?
  1.    more
  2.    None of these
  3.    pg
  4.    cat
  5.    lp
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Answer: Option C. -> pg
Question 112. Which option is used with cmp command to give a detailed list of the byte number and the differing bytes in octal for each character that differs in both the files?
  1.    -d
  2.    -b
  3.    None of these
  4.    -l
  5.    -r
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Answer: Option D. -> -l
Question 113. Which of the following command is used to go to home directory?
  1.    cd HOME.
  2.    cd/
  3.    cd
  4.    cd..
  5.    None of these
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Answer: Option C. -> cd
Question 114. Which of the following special shell variables is used to process number of the current shell?
  1.    $$
  2.    $!
  3.    $*
  4.    None of these
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Answer: Option A. -> $$
Question 115. Which command is used with vi editor scroll half page backward?
  1.    [Control-c]
  2.    [Control -P]
  3.    [Control-d]
  4.    None of these
  5.    [Control - u]
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Answer: Option E. -> [Control - u]
Question 116. Which command is used to save the standard output in a file, as well as display it on the terminal?
  1.    tee
  2.    grep
  3.    more
  4.    cat
  5.    None of these
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Answer: Option A. -> tee
Question 117. The command that can be used to restrict incoming messages to a user is
  1.    grep
  2.    sleep
  3.    mesg
  4.    None of these
  5.    halt
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Answer: Option C. -> mesg
Question 118. Which of the following commands is used to copy directory structures in and out
  1.    None of these
  2.    cp - p
  3.    cp
  4.    copy
  5.    cpio
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Answer: Option E. -> cpio
Question 119. Which of the following keys is used to overstrike a whole line?
  1.    R
  2.    None of these
  3.    u
  4.    C
  5.    v
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Answer: Option A. -> R
Question 120. Which command is used to move all files to the bin sub-directory of the parent directory?
  1.    mv * ../bin
  2.    mv *.* /bin/
  3.    mv * /bin/*
  4.    mv * ../bin *.*
  5.    None of these
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Answer: Option A. -> mv * ../bin

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