Sail E0 Webinar

Reasoning Aptitude


Statement Conclusions And Inferences

Total Questions : 618 | Page 43 of 62 pages
Question 421. Statement:Many youngsters are addicted to social network sites on the internet. This has become a major cause of concern as these youngsters are not paying attention to their studies.Which of the following steps should the parents of such youngsters take to rid these youngsters of the addiction?
  1.    Children should be counselled to make them understand the problems that they would face in future if they neglect their studies.
  2.    Social networking should be banned.
  3.    Youngsters should not be allowed to access the internet.
  4.    Youngsters should be made to practice yoga.
  5.    None of these
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> Children should be counselled to make them understand the problems that they would face in future if they neglect their studies.

The problem to be solved is to divert the youngsters from too much of indulgence in social networking to studies.Choice (a) helps in reducing the problem as it can make some of those youngsters to understand and rectify themselves. Hence, (a) is a proper step.Banning of social network is an extreme step. Moreover it is not that social networking is bad by it self. Hence, (b) is not a proper step to be taken.Internet also helps youngsters to learn many useful things. Hence, (c) is not a proper step to be taken.Choice (d) does not specify how yoga is going to divert the youngsters from social networking to studies. Hence, (d) is not a proper step to be taken.

Question 422. Statement:Unauthorized absence from offices and negligence of duty among the employees working in the government offices located in remote villages is severely hampering the government's efforts to develop such villages.Which of the following steps should the government properly to official duties in such places?
  1.    Government should find out the reasons for such behaviour and fulfill all the needs of the employees working in such places.
  2.    The number of surprise inspections of such offices should be increased and the erring employees should be dealt with strictly.
  3.    The officials or employees found absent from the office without prior permission should be removed from the services.
  4.    No office should be established at such places.
  5.    None of these
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> The number of surprise inspections of such offices should be increased and the erring employees should be dealt with strictly.

The given problem is that the employees posted at remote places are not discharging their duties properly. Fulfilling all the needs of the employees is not practically possible. Hence, (a) is not a proper step to be taken.If the number of surprise inspections were increased it would keep the employees alert and makes them to attend the office regularly. Hence, (b) can mitigate the problem.Choice (c) is an extreme action. There could be some genuine reasons also. Hence, (c) is not a proper step to be taken.Choice (d) creates another problem. Because without offices the government will not be able to provide services to people living in such places. Hence, (d) is not a proper step to be taken.Hence, (b) is a proper step to be taken.

Question 423. Should there be an upper age limit for a person to assume the post of prime minister?Arguments:I. Yes, a leader must not only be wise and experienced but also be energetic and young enough to understand the trends of the world.II. No, older the leader, better he is, as he can lead more effectively owing to his experience.
  1.    if only argument I is strong.
  2.    if only argument II is strong.
  3.    if either I or II is strong.
  4.    if neither I nor II is strong.
  5.    if both I and II are strong.
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option E. -> if both I and II are strong.

Statement I says that the prime minister must be "young enough" for some explained reasons. This implies that the prime minister must not be older than a certain age limit.This statement is strong.Statement II: This says that there should not be an upper limit because older persons can perform better because of the experience gained. This is also strong.

Question 424. Should the manufacturing of leather products be prohibited?Arguments:I. Yes, killing animals for any reason other than survivals is making the environment dangerous.II. NO, leather products are the biggest foreign exchange earners.
  1.    if only argument I is strong.
  2.    if only argument II is strong.
  3.    if either I or II is strong.
  4.    if neither I nor II is strong.
  5.    if both I and II are strong.
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> if neither I nor II is strong.

Statement I: There are two points to be considered.(a) Whether clothing is for survival or not?(b) Can we use the leather of those animals which are killed for food?Because statement I is not explaining the answers to the above questions. It is considered to be a weak argument.Statement II: It is most likely that the reason behind the proposal is more related to morals and feelings rather than money. Foreign exchange cannot be a valid argument in this context. Hence, both are weak arguments.

Question 425. Should Simons, a hardware company, enter the software industry?Arguments:I. Yes, if there is an indigenous software development wing, the Research and Development of hardware would be more effective.II. No, software industry is in recession.
  1.    if only argument I is strong.
  2.    if only argument II is strong.
  3.    if either I or II is strong.
  4.    if neither I nor II is strong.
  5.    if both I and II are strong.
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> if only argument II is strong.

Statement I: This statement is talking about a software wing for indigenious purposes [to support R and D], whereas the question is about entering the industry. This statement is irrelevant and hence the argument is weak.Statement II: This is an important point to be considered before entering any industry.

Question 426. Should Yoga be introduced as a part of the curriculum by schools?Arguments:I. Yes, this will help students improve their mental ability.II. No, this will not help students improve studentship qualities but will burden them with extra school-hours.
  1.    if only argument I is strong.
  2.    if only argument II is strong.
  3.    if either I or II is strong.
  4.    if neither I nor II is strong.
  5.    if both I and II are strong.
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option E. -> if both I and II are strong.

Both the statements, if true, are valid and strong arguments.

Question 427. It is wise on the part of the government to disinvest from PSUs?Arguments:I. Yes, overheads of PSUs are increasing making the total cost of production higher and higher.II. No, the fundamental purpose of PSUs is to provide employment to the people.
  1.    if only argument I is strong.
  2.    if only argument II is strong.
  3.    if either I or II is strong.
  4.    if neither I nor II is strong.
  5.    if both I and II are strong.
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> if neither I nor II is strong.

Statement I says that total cost is increasing. But this does not mention whether production is also correspondingly increasing or not. If production is also increasing, then there would not be any problem. Hence, this statement is weak.
Statement II: We do not know whether the employees would be removed or not. It is likely that the employment is not disturbed. Hence this is also a weak argument.

Question 428. Statement:The Indian cricket team reached the finals of the previous six major tournaments, but failed to win even a single tournament.Course of Action:I. The Indian cricket board should set up a committee to find out the reasons.II. The team should change its game plan.
  1.    If only I follows.
  2.    If only II follows.
  3.    If either I or II follows.
  4.    If neither I nor II follows.
  5.    If both I and II follow.
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> If only I follows.

As the Indian cricket team lost continuous six finals, a proper investigation is necessary. So I follows.The statement does not give scope to ascertain the reason. So II does not follow.

Question 429. Statement:The Government is worried by the sudden collapse of a bridge, which is under construction, which lead to death of 16 people and injuries to many.Course of Action:I. The government should set up an inquiry committee to investigate the reasons for collapse.II. The authorities should shift the injured people to the hospital and clear the debris to see if someone is trapped.   
  1.    If only I follows.
  2.    If only II follows.
  3.    If either I or II follows.
  4.    If neither I nor II follows.
  5.    If both I and II follow.
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> If only I follows.

The government should set up an inquiry committee to find out the reason so that cases do not get repeated. So I is a proper course of action. Statement II is something which has to be done immediately after the collapse, but the fact that the number of death, etc are known, the time for that action is long over. 

Question 430. Statement:
In the road accidents the pillion riders are receiving more head injuries than the driver.Course of Action:I. Pillion riders should also wear helmet.II. The rule should be changed so that the helmet is made compulsory for the pillion riders but not the drivers.
  1.    If only I follows.
  2.    If only II follows.
  3.    If either I or II follows.
  4.    If neither I nor II follows.
  5.    If both I and II follow.
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> If only I follows.

Here as the pillion riders are receiving more head injuries, helmet can save them from head injuries. I is a proper course of action.II causes a new problem, i.e., injuries to the driver. So II is not a proper course of action.

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