Sail E0 Webinar

Reasoning Aptitude


Statement Conclusions And Inferences

Total Questions : 618 | Page 42 of 62 pages
Question 411. Statement:Women's organisations in India have welcomed the amendment of the Industrial Employment Rules 1946 to curb sexual harassment at the workplace.Conclusions:I. Sexual harassment of women at workplace is more prevalent in India as compared to other developed countries.II. Many organisations in India will stop recruiting women to avoid such problems.
  1.    If only conclusion I follows
  2.    If only conclusion II follows
  3.    If either I or II follows
  4.    If neither I nor II follows
  5.    If both I and II follow
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> If neither I nor II follows

Comparison with developed countries can't be inferred from the given statement. Hence I does not follow. The follow up step to be taken by organisations can't be predicted. Hence II does not follow.

Question 412. Statement:The Central government has field a case against 142 companies, which had folded up their business without meeting the legal obligations.Conclusions:I. While starting and closing their business almost every company in India does not go through the legal formalities.II. The concerned government departments are trying to fulfill their responsibilities related to "vigilance" so that other companies also get the clear message.
  1.    If only conclusion I follows
  2.    If only conclusion II follows
  3.    If either I or II follows
  4.    If neither I nor II follows
  5.    If both I and II follow
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> If only conclusion II follows

I does not follow because we can't extrapolate the conduct of these 142 companies to that of "almost every company". II follows because teaching a lesson to others of the ilk is inherent in any prosection/punishment.

Question 413. Statement:The non-performing assets in the banking sector in India stand at a staggering Rs. 80,574 crores for the year ending 2001. The biggest defaulters in paying up the loans to the loans to the banks are the major players in the Indian corporate sector. If this trend continues, the banking sector would be severely hit.Courses of Action:I. The banks should stop lending money to the corporate sector.II. The banking sector should, henceforth, exercise extreme prudence while sanctioning loans.III. All efforts, including legal recourse, should be made to recover the outstanding loans.
  1.    Only I follows
  2.    Only I and II follow
  3.    Only II and III follow
  4.    Only III follows
  5.    All follow
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> Only II and III follow

I is a negative course of action.II and III are feasible and also help the banks to reduce their non-performing assets.

Question 414. Statement:Food kiosks, rickshaw stands, hawkers and car repair shops, that are multiplying on the city's pavements, is leading to congestion. Residents of ground floor flats and buildings near markets are the worst affected as a result.Courses of Action:I. Hawkers should be evicted from the pavements.II. All encroachments should be immediately removed.III. Residents should relocate to more peaceful surroundings.
  1.    Only I follows
  2.    Only I and II follow
  3.    Only II follows
  4.    All follow
  5.    None of these
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> Only II follows

As, hawkers are not the only problem, hence I does not follow.As, II is talking about all encroachments, hence it follows.III is not a proper course of action as that is not practically possible.

Question 415. Statement:Poor umpiring decisions have come close to ruining the charm of cricket. Not only do bad umpiring decisions influence the outcome of a game but it can also ruin a player's career.Courses of Action:I. Umpires of high standing and repute only should be allowed to officiate.II. All decisions should be made on the basis of TV replays ans associated technology to avoid human error.III. All matches where such poor decisions have altered the course of a game should be replayed.
  1.    Only I follows
  2.    Only II follows
  3.    Only I and III follow
  4.    Only I and II follow
  5.    None follows
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> Only I follows

As the problem is with the poor umpiring decisions, hence "high standing and repute" umpires should be allowed to officiate hence I is proper course of action.II is a negative course of action.III is not possible.

Question 416. Statement:The US state department, after pursuing several leads, has warned that the scheduled execution of a Pakistani convicted of murdering two US citizens could trigger retaliatory attacks on US interests overseas. Prime among them include recreational places like beaches and resorts.Courses of Action:I. US military forces in foreign lands should exercise extreme caution and be on high alert.II. All terrorists in the US should be immediately executed.III. High security should be provided at all beaches and resorts. 
  1.    Only I follows
  2.    Only I and II follow
  3.    Only I and III follow
  4.    All follow
  5.    None of these
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> Only I and III follow

I and II are the proper courses of actions as the terrorist can attack at any place.II is not proper course of action, as this cannot be done immediately.

Question 417. Statement:In India, unexpected deaths in road accidents as a result of lack of emergency medical facilities, is increasing by the day. At last count 80,000 people died in road accidents last year, which is one death every 6 minutes.Courses of Action:I. Ambulances equipped with the latest technology and accompanying medical crew must be available round the clock at all hospitals to reach the victims on time.II. Facilities in hospitals should be expanded to treat road accident victims.III. 'Flying hospitals' on wheels must be used to patrol the streets regularly.
  1.    Only I and II follow
  2.    Only I follows
  3.    Only II follows
  4.    All follow
  5.    None follows
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> Only I follows

Here the lack of energy medical facilities.I follows, as it profits the emergency medical facility.II is based on assumption that hospitals does not have such facilities.III is not a proper course of action as that may cause a new problem to the vehicles travelling on roads.

Question 418. Statement:The amount spent per year on printing various documents for providing information to Members of Parliament is so huge that it can bring about 25,000 families above the poverty line.Which of the following is a course of action that can be initiated to reduce this expenditure?
  1.    The MPs should share the same document instead of asking for a document for each one individually.
  2.    The documents should be printed in very small font and on both sides of the paper.
  3.    The MPs should be provided with laptops and only soft copies of the documents should be provided to them.
  4.    All documents should be printed in big font and displayed on the notice boards of the Parliament so that all MPs can refer to them.
  5.    None of these
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> The MPs should be provided with laptops and only soft copies of the documents should be provided to them.

The problem to be solved is to reduce the amount spent on printing documents.Choice (1) is not practically implementable. As the MPs may be at different places or the document may get mutilated when many people handle it.Choice (2) is not implementable as it may not be possible to read the document.Choice (3) is a feasible course of action. Event some cost is involved in providing laptops to all the MPs, this is a one time expenditure. With this the amount spent on printing documents can be reduced to a great extent.Choice (4) has other problems like the MPs may not be able to remember the content of the document.Hence (3) is a feasible course of action.

Question 419. Statement:The government's efforts to curtail drug abuse is unable to achieve any result, mainly because the people who are involved in this are closely related to high profile people in the society.Which of the following is a course of action that can be initiated to reduce drug menace?
  1.    The government should provide more support to the enforcement authority in bringing such people to books.
  2.    The government should ask the drug peddlers to not to sell drugs to high profile people.
  3.    The government should declare consumption of drugs as illegal.
  4.    The Prime Minister should call for meeting of all high profile people in the society to discuss the matter.
  5.    None of these
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> The government should provide more support to the enforcement authority in bringing such people to books.

The statement brings out the reasons behind the government's failure to curtail drug menace.As the people involved are high profile people, it is possible that the efforts of the enforcement authority do not run smoothly. Choice (1) states that the government should increase its support to the enforcement authority. This would help them to perform their duty properly. Hence, (1) is proper course of action.Choice (2) is meaningless as the government does not support selling of drugs at all.Choice (3) is based on the assumption that drug abuse is not declared illegal. Hence, (3) is not a proper course of action.It is meaningless to have meeting with those who are actually involved in illegal activity to discuss about such activity. Hence, (4) is not a proper course of action.Hence, Choice (1) is proper course of action.

Question 420. Statement:The wider the roads the greater the number of accidents that take place. People tend to drive at break neck speeds when they find empty, wide and well laid roads leading to avoidable accidents.Which of the following is a course of action that can be initiated to avoid accidents?
  1.    Only single line roads should be laid so that people will not be able drive fast.
  2.    Speed limits should be displayed at regular intervals along such roads.
  3.    Photographs of the victims of the accident should be displayed along these roads.
  4.    Speed locks should be fixed to all the vehicles at the time of manufacture.
  5.    None of these
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option E. -> None of these

It is given that people tend to drive fast on empty and wide roads leading to accidents.Choice (1) suggests narrowing the roads. This may cause problems in the from of traffic jams. This is a short sighted decision because traffic may increase in future.Choice (2) is based on the assumption that speed limits are not displayed. It is a normal practice that speed limits are displayed wherever necessary.Display of photographs may distract the attention of drivers causing more accidents. Hence, (3) is not a proper course of action.Choice (4) does not have immediate impact on the problem.Hence, none of them is a proper course of action.

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