Sail E0 Webinar

Reasoning Aptitude


Statement Conclusions And Inferences

Total Questions : 618 | Page 41 of 62 pages
Question 401. Statement:Black fume emitted by the vehicles and the factories is causing rapid increase in air pollution which in turn is causing rapid temperature rise in cities.Courses of Action:I. The authorities should set a limit for the emission levels of the harmful gases for vehicles and factories and should take measures to implement it.II. The government should try to reduce the number of vehicles on roads by improving the public transport system and make the people aware of it and also should not allow the factories to be built in or near the cities.
  1.    if only I follows.
  2.    if only II follows.
  3.    if either I or II follows.
  4.    if neither I nor II follows.
  5.    if both I and II follow.
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> if only II follows.

Course of action I assumes that there is no such kind of rule at present. So, I is not a proper course of action.By improving the public transport system we can reduce the emission of black fumes as there will be less number of vehicles and also not allowing the factories to be built in and near the city would reduce pollution in the city.

Question 402. Statement: More than 50% of today's working youth, who have surplus money, are addicted to drugs. Course of Action:I. Work stress should be reduced in the office.II. The salaries should be cut down.
  1.    If only I follows.
  2.    If only II follows.
  3.    If either I or II follows.
  4.    If neither I nor II follows.
  5.    If both I and II follow.
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> If neither I nor II follows.

We do not know the reason for the addiction, so neither I nor II is a proper course of action.

Question 403. Statement:The bank of England's move to auction 25 metric tons of gold plenty of bidders looking for a bargain, but was criticised by major gold producers worldwide.Conclusions:I. The bank of England should not auction gold which it possesses to keep steady international prices of gold.II. Bidders should quote higher gold prices to retain present value of gold in the international markets.
  1.    If only conclusion I follows
  2.    If only conclusion II follows
  3.    If either I or II follows
  4.    If neither I nor II follows
  5.    If both I and II follow
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> If neither I nor II follows


Question 404. Statement:Our approach of fund management is based on science as much as on common sense and discipline because our goal is consistent performance in the long term. - Advertisement of a mutual fund company.Conclusions:I. Only the approach of science of investment can lead to high gains in short term investment.II. It is not necessary to go for long term investment when low return short term investment is available.
  1.    If only conclusion I follows
  2.    If only conclusion II follows
  3.    If either I or II follows
  4.    If neither I nor II follows
  5.    If both I and II follow
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> If neither I nor II follows


Question 405. Statement:The President of XYZ party indicated that 25 independent Members of Legislative Assembly (MLA) are seriously considering various options of jioning some political party. But in any case all of them collectively will join one party only.Conclusions:I. The 25 independent MLAs will join XYZ party in a short period of time.II. The 25 independent MLAs will join some other political party in a short period of time.
  1.    If only conclusion I follows
  2.    If only conclusion II follows
  3.    If either I or II follows
  4.    If neither I nor II follows
  5.    If both I and II follow
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> If either I or II follows

As the independent members will join one party only they may join either XYZ party or any other existing party. Hence I and II together are exhaustive.

Question 406. Statement:'We follow some of the best and effective teaching learning practices used by leading institutes all over the world'. - A statement of a Professor MN Institute.Conclusions:I. The MN Institute is one of the leading institutes of the world.II. Whatever is being followed by world's leading institutes will definitely be good and useful.
  1.    If only conclusion I follows
  2.    If only conclusion II follows
  3.    If either I or II follows
  4.    If neither I nor II follows
  5.    If both I and II follow
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> If neither I nor II follows

II may be an assumption which the professor is assuming before passing his statement. Hence II does not follow. I may or may not be possible. Hence I does not follow.

Question 407. Statement:The cabinet of state 'X' took certain steps truckle the milk glut in the state as the cooperatives and government dairies failed to use the available milk. - A news report.Conclusions:I. The milk production of state 'X' is more than its need.II. The government and cooperative dairies in state 'X' are not equipped in terms of resources and technology to handle such excess milk.
  1.    If only conclusion I follows
  2.    If only conclusion II follows
  3.    If either I or II follows
  4.    If neither I nor II follows
  5.    If both I and II follow
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option E. -> If both I and II follow

From the phrase 'milk glut' conclusion I can be determined. As it is given in the statement that these dairies have failed to use the available milk, hence II can be concluded.

Question 408. Statement:My first and foremost task is to beautify this city. If city 'X' and 'Y' can do it why can't we do it? - Statement of municipal commissioner of city 'Z' after taking over charge.Conclusions:I. The people of city 'Z' are not aware about the present state of ugliness of their city.II. The present commissioner has worked in city 'X' and 'Y' and has good experience of beautifying cities.
  1.    If only conclusion I follows
  2.    If only conclusion II follows
  3.    If either I or II follows
  4.    If neither I nor II follows
  5.    If both I and II follow
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> If neither I nor II follows

The public awareness about city Z can't be extracted from the given statement. Hence I does not follow. II also does not follow because the information given in the statement may be obtained even without having work experience.

Question 409. Statement:It has been decided by the government to withdraw 33% of the subsidy on cooking gas from the beginning of next month. - A spokesman of the government.Conclusions:I. People now no more desire or need such subsidy from governments as they can afford increased price of the cooking gas.II. The price of the cooking gas will increase at least by 33% from the next month.
  1.    If only conclusion I follows
  2.    If only conclusion II follows
  3.    If either I or II follows
  4.    If neither I nor II follows
  5.    If both I and II follow
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> If neither I nor II follows

I does not follow because a government policy is not determined merely by people's needs. II does not follow because we do not know amount of subsidy.

Question 410. Statement:"The government will review the present policy of the diesel price in view of further spurt in the international oil prices". - A spokesman of the government.Conclusions:I. The government will increase the price of the diesel after the imminent spurt in the international oil prices.II. The government will not increase the price of the diesel even after the imminent spurt in the international oil prices.
  1.    If only conclusion I follows
  2.    If only conclusion II follows
  3.    If either I or II follows
  4.    If either I or II follows
  5.    If both I and II follow
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> If either I or II follows


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