Sail E0 Webinar

Reasoning Aptitude


Statement Conclusions And Inferences

Total Questions : 618 | Page 35 of 62 pages
Question 341. Statement:The laws and statutes framed by the government for the purpose of providing equal treatment to every citizens, on implementation perpetuate corrupt working system.Conclusions:I. The laws and statutes should be framed but they should not be implemented to avoid corrupt working system.II. There should be obvious method to investigate corrupt working system.
  1.    If only conclusion I follows
  2.    If only conclusion II follows
  3.    If either I or II follows
  4.    If neither I nor II follows
  5.    If both I and II follow
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> If neither I nor II follows


Question 342. Statement:We do not need today in India extraordinary specialists but those trained ordinary doctors who are dedicated to their profession.Conclusions:I. We should promote medical profession with dedicated ordinary doctors rather than promoting high specialised medical education.II. Extraordinary specialists are not dedicated to their profession.
  1.    If only conclusion I follows
  2.    If only conclusion II follows
  3.    If either I or II follows
  4.    If neither I nor II follows
  5.    If both I and II follow
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> If only conclusion I follows


Question 343. Statement:Research has proved that people eating high fat diets coupled with decreased level of exercises are prone to heart diseases.Conclusions:I. People should reduce their high fat diet as a preventive method.II. People must have sufficient level of exercise to reduce their chances of having heart disease.
  1.    If only conclusion I follows
  2.    If only conclusion II follows
  3.    If either I or II follows
  4.    If neither I nor II follows
  5.    If both I and II follow
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option E. -> If both I and II follow

Both follow because they together take care of the two problems leading to heart diseases.

Question 344. Statement:Only those candidates with exceptional talent and strong motivation should apply. - An advertisement.Conclusions:I. Candidates not fulfilling these criteria will not be considered. II. It is possible to decide clearly who is talented and motivated.
  1.    If only conclusion I follows
  2.    If only conclusion II follows
  3.    If either I or II follows
  4.    If neither I nor II follows
  5.    If both I and II follow
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option E. -> If both I and II follow

I follows as the ad itself is a screening procedure. II also follows because only such a decision can help a candidate judge his fitness

Question 345. Statement:Book your flat before 15th June and avail interest free loan from the builders. - An advertisement.Conclusions:I. No flat will be booked afterwards.II. After 15th June, no loan will be provided.
  1.    If only conclusion I follows
  2.    If only conclusion II follows
  3.    If either I or II follows
  4.    If neither I nor II follows
  5.    If both I and II follow
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> If neither I nor II follows

Neither follows. From the statement, it is clear 15th June is a deadline only for interest free loans. But booking will continue even afterwards. And even loans will be given, though on interest.

Question 346. Statement:In order to enforce discipline on transport operators, the state government has decided to impose a fine of Rs. 5,000 for the first excess tonne loaded in transport vehicle and Rs. 1,000 for each subsequent tonne.Conclusions:I. People will follow some discipline when severe fine is imposed.II. The state government has failed to understand the problem of transport operators.
  1.    If only conclusion I follows
  2.    If only conclusion II follows
  3.    If either I or II follows
  4.    If neither I nor II follows
  5.    If both I and II follow
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> If only conclusion I follows

I follows from the policy laid down and the reason given there of. II does not follow because the decision is expected to have been taken after a proper assessment of the problem.

Question 347. Statement:Society is organised to provide the opportunity for personality development and society at its best promotes the personality of its members.Conclusions:I. Individuals brought up in total isolation from any human contact cannot get an opportunity for development of their personality.II. Development of personality has no implication for any society.
  1.    If only conclusion I follows
  2.    If only conclusion II follows
  3.    If either I or II follows
  4.    If neither I nor II follows
  5.    If both I and II follow
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> If only conclusion I follows


Question 348. Statement:The government run company had asked its employees to declare their income and assets but it has been strongly resisted by employees union and no employee is going to declare his income.Conclusions:I. The employees of this company do not seen to have any additional undisclosed income besides their salary.II. The employees union wants all senior officers to declare their income first.
  1.    If only conclusion I follows
  2.    If only conclusion II follows
  3.    If either I or II follows
  4.    If neither I nor II follows
  5.    If both I and II follow
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> If neither I nor II follows

I does not follow. On the contrary, it must be their "additional undisclosed income" which is causing hesitation on their part to declare their income. II also does not follow. The question of seniority simply does not arise.

Question 349. Statement:After collision of two vessels in the sea all the crewmen and passengers are declared as missing. - A news report.Conclusions:I. No one from the two vessels has survived after the collision.II. A few persons from the two vessels may have survived and are missing.
  1.    If only conclusion I follows
  2.    If only conclusion II follows
  3.    If either I or II follows
  4.    If neither I nor II follows
  5.    If both I and II follow
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> If only conclusion II follows

Missing does not necessarily mean "dead". It is quite possible that the persons are alive.

Question 350. Statement:On metro section of railways, the motormen are frequently required to overtime during May and June though all vacancies are completely filled as per requirement of this section.Conclusions:I. Many motormen take leave of shorter or longer duration during this period.II. Some motormen desire to earn overtime whenever possible.
  1.    If only conclusion I follows
  2.    If only conclusion II follows
  3.    If either I or II follows
  4.    If neither I nor II follows
  5.    If both I and II follow
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> If only conclusion I follows

It is clearly given that manpower is complete as per requirement of the section. Because there is no hint of heavy rush and introduction of new trains, we can consider conclusion I exhaustive. Because of the term required to do, nothing can be concluded about their desire. Hence II does not follow.

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