Sail E0 Webinar

12th Grade > Chemistry


Total Questions : 30 | Page 1 of 3 pages
Question 1. The electrolysis of which of the following solution produces hydrogen peroxide?
  1.    0.2 N Na OH
  2.    50%H2SO4
  3.    2%H2SO4
  4.    5% NaCl
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Answer: Option B. -> 50%H2SO4
50% Sulphuric acid is used for large scale manufacture of ​H2O2
Question 2. H2O2 turns acidified solution of the following to orange red
  1.    TiO2
  2.    BaO2
  3.    PbO2
  4.    Na2O2
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Answer: Option A. -> TiO2
H2O2+Ti(SO4)2.2H2OH2TiO4+2H2SO4 Orange red
Question 3. Protium differs from deuterium in
  1.    Electronic configuration
  2.    Chemical properties
  3.    Bond length
  4.    Nuclear radius
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Answer: Option D. -> Nuclear radius
The number of neutrons differ hence the nuclear radius
Question 4. The critical temperature of water is higher than that of O2 because H2O molecule has
  1.    Fewer electrons than oxygen
  2.    Two covalent bonds
  3.    V-shape
  4.    Dipole moment
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Answer: Option D. -> Dipole moment
Critical temperature of water is more than O2due to its dipole moment
(Dipole moment of water = 1.84 D; Dipole moment ofO2=zero D).
Question 5. Which of the following has high melting point?
  1.    H2
  2.    D2
  3.    T2
  4.    Both A and B
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Answer: Option C. -> T2
As atomic mass is more.
Question 6. Temporary hardness of water is due to the presence of 
  1.    Magnesium bicarbonate
  2.    Calcium chloride
  3.    Magnesium sulphate
  4.    Calcium carbonate
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Answer: Option A. -> Magnesium bicarbonate
Chlorides and sulphates of Mg and Ca produces permanent hardness whereas bicarbonates of Mg and Ca produces temporary hardness.
Question 7. D2O is used more in
  1.    Chemical industry
  2.    Nuclear reactor
  3.    Pharmaceutical preparations    
  4.    Insecticide preparation
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Answer: Option B. -> Nuclear reactor
Heavy water is used in nuclear reactors to slow down fast moving neutrons and hence ensures that a certain minimum number of radioactive fission reactions can take place.
Question 8. Hydrogen will not reduce
  1.    Heated cupric oxide
  2.    Heated ferric oxide
  3.    Heated stannic oxide
  4.    Heated aluminium oxide
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Answer: Option D. -> Heated aluminium oxide
H2 will not reduce heated Al2O3 as aluminium is more reactive than hydrogen.
Question 9. The raw materials used for the preparation of permutit are
  1.    Soda ash, alumina, silica
  2.    Lime, silica, caustic soda
  3.    Zeolite, sand
  4.    Lime stone, alumina, sand
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Answer: Option A. -> Soda ash, alumina, silica
Permutit is sodium aluminium silicate
Question 10. Decomposition of  H2O2 is a
  1.    Oxidation
  2.    Reduction
  3.    Hydrolysis
  4.    Disproportionation
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Answer: Option D. -> Disproportionation
Decomposition of H2O2is Disproportionate reaction

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