Sail E0 Webinar

General Knowledge > General Science


Total Questions : 20 | Page 2 of 2 pages
Question 11. Masks can have all the following except
  1.    two layers of washable fabric
  2.    fitting snuggly against the side of your face with no gaps
  3.    having vents or exhalation valves
  4.    completely covering your nose and mouth
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Answer: Option C. -> having vents or exhalation valves
Question 12. When walking the hallways you should be on the _______ side
  1.    left
  2.    middle
  3.    right
  4.    no clue
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Answer: Option C. -> right
Question 13. You Can enter the classroom
  1.    as soon as you get there
  2.    when the door is open
  3.    after the bell rings and door is shut
  4.    during lunch
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Answer: Option B. -> when the door is open
Question 14. Students must have _________ permission to leave the classroom during class time
  1.    principal
  2.    teacher
  3.    students
  4.    parent
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Answer: Option B. -> teacher
Question 15. When entering the classroom you will need to
  1.    say hey
  2.    go to your assigned seat
  3.    apply sanitizer
  4.    remove your mask
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Answer: Option C. -> apply sanitizer
Question 16. After you wet your hands you should apply ______ and _____ for 15-20 seconds
  1.    sanitizer, air dry
  2.    soap ,scrub
  3.    more water, air dry
  4.    lotion, rub
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Answer: Option B. -> soap ,scrub
Question 17. Lunch is determined by
  1.    your first and 4th period teacher
  2.    your 2nd and 5th period teacher
  3.    your 3rd and 6th period teacher
  4.    you choose
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Answer: Option B. -> your 2nd and 5th period teacher
Question 18. Masks are to worn
  1.    below the nose
  2.    above the chin
  3.    covering nose, mouth, chin
  4.    below the chin
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Answer: Option C. -> covering nose, mouth, chin
Question 19. Hybrid will start fully on what date?
  1.    March 4
  2.    March 5
  3.    March 8
  4.    March 9
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Answer: Option C. -> March 8
Question 20. Electrons fill energy levels and sublevels _____ in energy first
  1.    lower
  2.    higher
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> lower

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