Sail E0 Webinar


Total Questions : 282 | Page 26 of 29 pages
Question 251. Which of the following is not true of the activity known as job analysis?
  1.    The rate of pay for the job is fixed.
  2.    The job elements are rated in terms such as frequency. Of use or amount of time involved
  3.    It aims to describe the purpose of a job and the conditions under which it is performed
  4.    Jobs are broken into elements such as information required or relations with other people
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> The rate of pay for the job is fixed.
The rate of pay for the job is fixed is not true of the activity known as job analysis. It is not fixed.
Question 252. Which of the following is a key HR role
  1.    Personnel administrator
  2.    Business ally
  3.    Payroll advisor
  4.    Organisational geographer
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> Business ally
Business ally is a key HR role. The key functions an HR department include labor law compliance, recruiting, staff training and development, payroll, record keeping and employee relations.
Question 253. The HR policy which is based on the philosophy of the utmost good for the greatest number of people is covered under the
  1.    utilitarian approach
  2.    approach based on rights
  3.    approach based on justice
  4.    configurational approach
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> utilitarian approach
The HR policy which is based on the philosophy of the utmost good for the greatest number of people is covered under the utilitarian approach. According to this rule, an individual is responsible for, and concerned with, the well-being and happiness of others. The golden rule holds that ethical individuals are those who avoid causing harm and seek ways to help others.
Question 254. Career counseling is part of which of the following functions of HRM?
  1.    Compensation & benefits
  2.    Planning & selection
  3.    Training and Development
  4.    Maintenance of HRIS
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> Training and Development
Career counseling is part of Training and Development functions of HRM. Training and development are the indispensable functions of human resource management. It is the attempt to improve the current or future performance of an employee by increasing the ability of an employee through educating and increasing one's skills or knowledge in the particular subject.
Question 255. The critical role of the SHRM Application Tool is to'
  1.    Outline techniques, frameworks, and six steps that must be followed to effectively implement change in an organisation.
  2.    Develop a better strategic management process to deal with the dynamic changing environment today's organisations face.
  3.    Identify and assess a narrow group of actions and plan how the organisation can overcome resistance to change.
  4.    identify if the organisation 'has enough staff, if the staff heed training, if the compensation practices are appropriate, and if jobs are designed correctly
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> Develop a better strategic management process to deal with the dynamic changing environment today's organisations face.
The critical role of the SHRM Application Tool is to Develop a better strategic management process to deal with the dynamic changing environment today's organisations face.
Question 256. Motivating the employees is classified as
  1.    Informational role
  2.    Interpersonal role
  3.    Decisional role
  4.    Conceptual role
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> Interpersonal role
Motivating the employees is classified as Interpersonal role. Interpersonal skills are the life skills we use every day when we communicate and interact with other people, both individually and in groups. People who have worked on developing strong interpersonal skills are usually more successful in both their professional and personal lives.
Question 257. In the future, HR managers will have to deal with all of the following workforce changes, except
  1.    a more racially diverse workforce
  2.    a skills shortfall among workers
  3.    an abundance of entry level workers
  4.    an older workforce
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> an abundance of entry level workers
In the future, HR managers will have to deal with all of the following workforce changes, except an an abundance of entry level workers.
Question 258. HR managers are generally the managers:
  1.    Line
  2.    Middle
  3.    Staff
  4.    Top
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> Staff
HR managers are generally the managers staff. The role of an HR manager is to manage, create, implement and supervise policies/regulations, which are mandatory for every employee and also have knowledge of its appropriate functioning.
Question 259. Once a firm has a pool of applicants, the first step in pre-screening is the
  1.    in-person interview
  2.    on-site visit
  3.    application form
  4.    telephone interview
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> application form
Once a firm has a pool of applicants, the first step in pre-screening is the application form. The pre-screening process typically begins with the review of a candidate's employment application and resume, followed by a telephone interview.
Question 260. The last step in the e-selection process is
  1.    consider how the various new stakeholders and clients will use the system
  2.    train the employees that will be responsible for the administration of the process
  3.    draw-up a flow chart of the current assessment process
  4.    draft the desired flow process that will result from the E-selection process
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> train the employees that will be responsible for the administration of the process
The last step in the e-selection process is train the employees that will be responsible for the administration of the process. It is a procedure of matching organizational requirements with the skills and qualifications of people. Employee Selection is the process of choosing individuals who have relevant qualifications to fill jobs in an organization.

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