Sail E0 Webinar


Total Questions : 282 | Page 20 of 29 pages
Question 191. Moving employees from one job to another in a predetermined way is called ___________
  1.    Job rotation
  2.    Job reengineering
  3.    Work mapping
  4.    Job enrichment
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> Job rotation
Moving employees from one job to another in a predetermined way is called Job rotation. Job rotation is a strategy where employees rotate between jobs at the same business. Employees take on new tasks at a different job for a period of time before rotating back to their original position.
Question 192. Job Enrichment involves___________
  1.    Increases the amount of money employees are paid for completing an unit of work
  2.    Is a programme through which management seeks greater productivity from workers
  3.    my answer: (that staff is moved periodically from task to task in order to increase variety and interest
  4.    Involves giving employees work with a greater degree of responsibility and autonomy
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> Involves giving employees work with a greater degree of responsibility and autonomy
Job Enrichment involves giving employees work with a greater degree of responsibility and autonomy. Responsibility can also help speed up work processes by enabling the employee to make decisions without having to wait for management approval. Autonomy is a very important part of job enrichment because it gives the employee power and a feeling of importance.
Question 193. Which of the following statements is false?
  1.    Organizations are now less hierarchical in nature
  2.    Organizations are now generally focusing upon domestic rather than international matters
  3.    Organizations have adopted more flexible norms
  4.    Organizations have been subject to a raft of organizational change programs
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> Organizations are now generally focusing upon domestic rather than international matters
Organizations are now generally focusing upon domestic rather than international matters is not true they are focusing on both matters.
Question 194. Scope of the HRM includes
  1.    Retirement and separation of employees
  2.    HR training and development
  3.    Industrial relations
  4.    All of the above
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> All of the above
Scope of the HRM includes Retirement and separation of employees, HR training and development, Industrial relations, etc. The scope of Human Resource Management (HRM) is Personal Management, Employee Welfare and Industrial Relations.
Question 195. The objectives of HRM are categorized as
  1.    Personal objectives
  2.    Functional objectives
  3.    Organisational and social objectives
  4.    All of the above
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> All of the above
The objectives of HRM are categorized as Personal objectives, Functional objectives and Organisational and social objectives.
Question 196. The scope of HRM does not include
  1.    Retirement of employees
  2.    Manpower planning
  3.    Training of employees
  4.    Maintenance of accounts
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> Maintenance of accounts
The scope of HRM does not include maintenance of accounts. HRM is a process of making the efficient and effective use of human resources so that the set goals are achieved.
Question 197. HRM is
  1.    Employee oriented
  2.    Employer oriented
  3.    Legally oriented
  4.    None of the above
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> Employee oriented
HRM is Employee oriented. Employee orientation is the process of introducing new hires to their jobs, co-workers, responsibilities, and workplace. Effective employee orientation answers any questions or concerns a new colleague may have, makes them aware of company policies and expectations, and eases them comfortably into their new positions.
Question 198. Commitment strategy is inherently ________.
  1.    Short term
  2.    Long term
  3.    Continuous
  4.    None of the above
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> Long term
Commitment strategy is inherently long term. An employee commitment strategy is a promise, a sort of mission statement where your business leaders also commit to the employee population. Like many other things, commitment is a two-way street.
Question 199. ________ of management is likely to be another key agenda item.
  1.    Performance
  2.    Quality
  3.    Expansion
  4.    Decision
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> Quality
Quality of management is likely to be another key agenda item. Quality management is the act of overseeing all activities and tasks needed to maintain a desired level of excellence. This includes the determination of a quality policy, creating and implementing quality planning and assurance, and quality control and quality improvement.
Question 200. Strategic thinking is a ________ process.
  1.    Short term
  2.    Long term
  3.    Continuous
  4.    All of the above
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> Continuous
Strategic thinking is a continuous process. Strategic thinking is an ability to plan for the future. It's the capacity to prepare strategies and conjure ideas that will both cope with changing environments and consider the various challenges that lie ahead.

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