Sail E0 Webinar


Total Questions : 227 | Page 9 of 23 pages
Question 81. The Norton current is sometimes called the
  1.    Thevenin current
  2.    None of these
  3.    Thevenin voltage
  4.    Shorted-load current
  5.    Open-load current
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Answer: Option D. -> Shorted-load current
Question 82. When the Q point moves along the load line, the voltage increases when the current
  1.    Increases
  2.    Can be any of above
  3.    None of these
  4.    Decreases
  5.    Stays the same
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Answer: Option A. -> Increases
Question 83. What is the smallest number of polarities required for current flow?
  1.    One - a negative terminal
  2.    Two - a negative terminal and a positive terminal
  3.    Three - negative, positive and neutral terminals
  4.    None of these
  5.    Four - two negative and two positive
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Answer: Option B. -> Two - a negative terminal and a positive terminal
Question 84. At room temperature a conductor has low many holes?
  1.    None of these
  2.    Only those produced by thermal energy
  3.    Same number as free electrons
  4.    many
  5.    less than the free electrons
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Answer: Option C. -> Same number as free electrons
Question 85. A current source has an internal resistance of 100 kW. What is the largest load resistance if the current source must appear stiff?
  1.    10 k Ohm
  2.    20 k Ohm
  3.    None of these
  4.    1 k Ohm
  5.    2 k Ohm
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Answer: Option D. -> 1 k Ohm
Question 86. The graph of current gain versus collector current indicates that the current gain
  1.    None of these
  2.    varies slightly
  3.    is contant
  4.    equals the collector current divided by the base current
  5.    varies enormously
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Answer: Option D. -> equals the collector current divided by the base current
Question 87. Which one of the following statements is true for the currents in a parallel RL circuit?
  1.    The total current leads the total voltage by less than 90
  2.    The total current is equal to the sum of the currents through the resistance and inductance
  3.    None of these
  4.    The current always has the same amplitude and phase for every part of the circuit
  5.    The total current is less than the sum of the currents through the resistance and inductance
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Answer: Option E. -> The total current is less than the sum of the currents through the resistance and inductance
Question 88. Two diodes are in series. The first diode has a voltage of 0.75 V and the second has a voltage of 0.8 V. If the current through the first diode is 500 mA, what is the current through the second diode
  1.    12 mA
  2.    10 mA
  3.    None of these
  4.    11 mA
  5.    14 mA
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Answer: Option B. -> 10 mA
Question 89. A diode is in series with 220W. If the voltage across the resister is 4V, what is the current through the diode?
  1.    55 A
  2.    16.3 mA
  3.    18.2 mA
  4.    55.86 A
  5.    None of these
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Answer: Option C. -> 18.2 mA
Question 90. What is the impedance of a circuit composed of a 100 ohm resistor connected in parallel with an inductor that has a reactance of 200 W?
  1.    77.7 ohm
  2.    224 ohm
  3.    89.3 ohm
  4.    None of these
  5.    88.8 ohm
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Answer: Option C. -> 89.3 ohm

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