Sail E0 Webinar


Total Questions : 227 | Page 6 of 23 pages
Question 51. Which one of the following statements most accurately applies to the frequency of a waveform?
  1.    None of these
  2.    The longer the period of a waveform, the lower its frequency
  3.    The higher the amplitude of a waveform, the higher its frequency
  4.    Unless specified otherwise, the frequency of a waveform is assumed to be 60 Hz
  5.    The actual frequency of a sine waveform is 1.41 times the working frequency
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Answer: Option E. -> The actual frequency of a sine waveform is 1.41 times the working frequency
Question 52. The basic unit of measurement for current is the:
  1.    volt
  2.    None of these
  3.    ohm
  4.    watt
  5.    ampere
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Answer: Option E. -> ampere
Question 53. Which one of. the following phrases most accurately describes the nature of a pulsating dc voltage?
  1.    The voltage reverses polarity periodically
  2.    The voltage remains at one polarity but changes value periodically
  3.    The voltage causes current to flow in two directions at the same time
  4.    None of these
  5.    The voltage remains at one polarity and at a steady level
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Answer: Option B. -> The voltage remains at one polarity but changes value periodically
Question 54. The merging of a free electron and a hole is called
  1.    Lifetime
  2.    Covalent bonding
  3.    None of these
  4.    Recombination
  5.    Thermal energy
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Answer: Option D. -> Recombination
Question 55. One henry of inductance is defined as:
  1.    the amount of inductance required to change the frequency of a current by 1 Hz
  2.    the amount of counter emf required to reduce a current to 1 A
  3.    None of these
  4.    the amount of inductance required for generating 1 V of counter emf when the current changes at the rate of 1 A per second
  5.    the number of turns of wire in an inductor multiplied by the amount of current flowing through it
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Answer: Option D. -> the amount of inductance required for generating 1 V of counter emf when the current changes at the rate of 1 A per second
Question 56. What is a negative ion?
  1.    None of these
  2.    An atom that contains more electrons than protons
  3.    An atom that contains more protons than electrons
  4.    An atom that contains more electrons than neutrons
  5.    An atom that contains more protons than neutrons
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Answer: Option B. -> An atom that contains more electrons than protons
Question 57. In a transistor operates at the middle of the load line, an increase in the base resistance will move the Q point
  1.    up
  2.    down
  3.    off the load line
  4.    nowhere
  5.    None of these
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Answer: Option B. -> down
Question 58. The total impedance of a series RLC circuit:
  1.    is minimum at the resonant frequency
  2.    always decreases as the applied frequency increases
  3.    is maximum at the resonant frequency
  4.    None of these
  5.    always increases as the applied frequency increases
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Answer: Option A. -> is minimum at the resonant frequency
Question 59. Voltage is
  1.    The flow of charged particles through a material
  2.    The number of free electrons in an atom
  3.    None of these
  4.    Trie force that causes electrons to flow
  5.    The smallest electrically charged particle
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Answer: Option D. -> Trie force that causes electrons to flow
Question 60. What is the turns ratio for the transformer specified in the above question?
  1.    0.575
  2.    1.5
  3.    None of these
  4.    0.707
  5.    10.738
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Answer: Option D. -> 0.707

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