Sail E0 Webinar


Total Questions : 227 | Page 22 of 23 pages
Question 211. What is one important thing transistors do?
  1.    Regulate voltage
  2.    Amplify weak signals
  3.    None of these
  4.    Emit light
  5.    Rectify line voltage
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> Amplify weak signals
Question 212. The net charge of a neutral copper atom is
  1.    4
  2.    None of these
  3.    1
  4.    -1
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> 1
Question 213. A low-pass filter:
  1.    reduces the level of all frequencies by a significant amount
  2.    None of these
  3.    passes lower-frequency signals and reduces higher-frequency signals
  4.    passes higher-frequency signals and reduces lower-frequency signals
  5.    has no effect on ac signals
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> passes lower-frequency signals and reduces higher-frequency signals
Question 214. Doubling the operating frequency of a capacitive circuit:
  1.    has no effect on the capacitive reactance
  2.    doubles the amount of a capacitive reactance
  3.    None of these
  4.    cuts the capacitive reactance in half
  5.    multiplies the capacitive reactance by 6.28
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> cuts the capacitive reactance in half
Question 215. Which one of the following statements is true for the voltage in a parallel RL circuit?
  1.    None of these
  2.    The total voltages is less than the sum of the voltages across the resistance and inductance
  3.    The voltage always has the same amplitude and phase for every part of the circuit
  4.    The total voltage lags the total current by less than 90
  5.    The total voltage is equal to the sum of the voltages across the resistance and inductance
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> The voltage always has the same amplitude and phase for every part of the circuit
Question 216. At room temperature an intrinsic silicon crystal acts approximately like
  1.    a battery
  2.    a piece of copper wire
  3.    None of these
  4.    an insulator
  5.    a conductor
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> an insulator
Question 217. What causes the depletion layer?
  1.    Doping
  2.    Ions
  3.    Barrier potential
  4.    Recombination
  5.    None of these
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> Barrier potential
Question 218. When operating below its resonant frequency, a parallel RLC circuit has the characteristics of a:
  1.    None of these
  2.    purely resistive circuit
  3.    parallel RC circuit
  4.    parallel RL circuit
  5.    parallel RLC circuit operated above its resonant frequency
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> parallel RL circuit
Question 219. What is the algebraic sum of this series of values:+2, -3, -6,+4?
  1.    -3
  2.    None of these
  3.    -6
  4.    2
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> -3
Question 220. Which one of the following statements most accurately reflects the nature of ac power?
  1.    The current in an ac circuit flows in two directions at the same time
  2.    None of these
  3.    The current in an ac circuit flows in one direction at a steady level
  4.    The current in an ac circuit flows in one direction, but changes value periodically
  5.    The current in an ac circuit changes direction periodically
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option E. -> The current in an ac circuit changes direction periodically

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