Sail E0 Webinar


Total Questions : 286 | Page 19 of 29 pages
Question 181. The main idea behind computer files is that it is convenient to
  1.    arrange them
  2.    store information together
  3.    create them
  4.    access them
  5.    None of the above
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Answer: Option B. -> store information together
Question 182. In SQL, which command is used to add new rows to a table?
  2.    ADD ROW
  3.    INSERT
  4.    APPEND
  5.    None of the above
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Answer: Option C. -> INSERT
Question 183. A number of related records that are treated as a unit is called
  1.    file
  2.    field
  3.    data
  4.    batch
  5.    None of the above
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Answer: Option A. -> file
Question 184. Data items grouped together for storage purposes are called a
  1.    record
  2.    title
  3.    list
  4.    string
  5.    None of the above
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Answer: Option A. -> record
Question 185. Versatile report generators can provide
  1.    Columnar totals
  2.    Subtotals
  3.    Calculations
  4.    All of the above
  5.    None of the above
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Answer: Option D. -> All of the above
Question 186. A _____ means that one record in a particular record type can be related to many records in another record type and vice-versa.
  1.    One-to-one relationship
  2.    One-to-many relationship
  3.    Many-to-one relationship
  4.    Many-to-many relationship
  5.    None of the above
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Answer: Option D. -> Many-to-many relationship
Question 187. Related fields in a data base are grouped to form
  1.    data file
  2.    data record
  3.    menu
  4.    bank
  5.    None of the above
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Answer: Option B. -> data record
Question 188. The activity of a file
  1.    is a low percentages of number of records added or deleted from a file
  2.    if high, reduces processing efficiency for sequential and nonsequential files
  3.    is a measure of the percentage of existing records updated during a run
  4.    refers to how closely the files fits into the allocated
  5.    None of the above.
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Answer: Option A. -> is a low percentages of number of records added or deleted from a file
Question 189. What is the abbreviation used for a software package that permits the users to create, retrieve and maintain records in a database?
  1.    DASD
  2.    FMS
  3.    EMMS
  4.    DBMS
  5.    None of the above
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Answer: Option D. -> DBMS
Question 190. It is more accurate to define a _____ as a variety of different record types that are treated as a single unit
  1.    Database
  2.    Table
  3.    Record
  4.    Flat File
  5.    None of the above
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Answer: Option A. -> Database

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