Computer Aptitude
Functional languages are based on the lambda calculus, which is a simple mode of computation and are a class of languages designed to reflect the way people think mathematically rather than the underlying machine.
While changing the size of a window, firstly point to any corner or border of the window. When a two headed arrow appears using mouse drag the arrow heads to change the size of the window.
To make end of paragraph, ENTER key is pressed. By default whenever ENTER key is pressed in WORD , end of paragraph is recorded even if it is not a paragraph. For ending lines or sentences other periods such as full stop or semicolons are used.
Various software offers free telephone calls anywhere in the world using internet as the transmission medium. This service is referred as Internet telephony using which voice, text, fax, SMS and/or voice messages can be transported without any PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network)
People who are not able to use their hands for input can use Speech recognition software. These software the spoken words into test. Person's specific voice is analysed and its fine tune is used to recognize that person's speech
can be written to only once
Root Directory
bookmark it
Hard Disk