Computer Aptitude


Fundamental And Concepts Of Computer

Total Questions : 1289 | Page 90 of 129 pages
Question 891. The essential features of a number system are
  1.    Radix
  2.    Set of distinct counting digits
  3.    bits
  4.    Both A & B
  5.    None of the above
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> Both A & B
Question 892. An identifying label on the first record of magnetic tape is
  1.    Punched paper tape
  2.    Optical mark reader
  3.    Tape label
  4.    Joystick
  5.    None of the above
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> Tape label
Question 893. Super computers are primarily useful for
  1.    Input-output intensive processing
  2.    Data-retrieval operations
  3.    Mathematical-intensive scientific applications
  4.    All of the above
  5.    None of the above
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> Mathematical-intensive scientific applications
Question 894. Which of the following are not likely to be found on a PC main circuit board
  1.    RAM chips
  2.    Microprocessor chips
  3.    ROM chips
  4.    LCD clocks
  5.    None of the above
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> LCD clocks
Question 895. A reflective marker that indicates the end of the usable tape is
  1.    End user
  2.    End-of-tape
  3.    Optical mark reader
  4.    FAX
  5.    None of the above
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> End-of-tape
Question 896. Which of the following is used for input and output both
  1.    Graph plotter
  2.    Teletype terminal
  3.    Line printer
  4.    All of the above
  5.    None of the above
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option B. -> Teletype terminal
Question 897. A specific part of an arithmetic & logic unit that is used to perform the operation of multiplication is
  1.    Multiplier
  2.    Multiplener
  3.    Multivibrator
  4.    Quantization
  5.    None of the above
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> Multiplier
Question 898. Character readers are those devices which read the characters printed on the source documents and then convert them directly into computer-usable input. Which of the following is not a character reader?
  1.    OCR
  2.    MICR
  3.    OMR
  4.    LCD
  5.    None of the above
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option D. -> LCD
Question 899. SPSS stands for
  1.    Statistical Package for Systems Science
  2.    Systems Package for Social Science
  3.    Statistical Package for Sociai Science
  4.    All of the above
  5.    None of the above
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option C. -> Statistical Package for Sociai Science
Question 900. An Integrated Circuit (IC) is
  1.    Fabricated on a tiny silicon chip
  2.    A complicated circuit
  3.    Much costlier than a single transistor
  4.    An integrating device
  5.    None of the above
 Discuss Question
Answer: Option A. -> Fabricated on a tiny silicon chip

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