Computer Aptitude


Fundamental And Concepts Of Computer

Total Questions : 1289 | Page 84 of 129 pages
Question 831. A one-bit signal that indicates the start of data transmission by an asynchronous device is
  1.    Parity bit
  2.    Status bit
  3.    Zero bit
  4.    Start bit
  5.    None of the above
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Answer: Option D. -> Start bit
Question 832. Registers which are partially visible to users and used to hold conditional codes (bits set by the CPU hardware as the result of operations), are known as
  1.    PC
  2.    Memory Address Registers
  3.    General purpose registers
  4.    Flags
  5.    None of the above
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Answer: Option D. -> Flags
Question 833. An electronic circuit with about 20 transistors fabricated on a silicon chip is known as
  1.    SSI
  2.    MSI
  3.    DPS
  4.    RJE
  5.    None of the above
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Answer: Option A. -> SSI
Question 834. Which type of computers use the 8 bit code called EBCDIC?
  1.    Minicomputers
  2.    Microcomputers
  3.    Mainframe computers
  4.    Supercomputers
  5.    None of the above
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Answer: Option C. -> Mainframe computers
Question 835. Instructions and memory addresses are represented by
  1.    character codes
  2.    binary codes
  3.    binary word
  4.    parity bit
  5.    None of the above
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Answer: Option B. -> binary codes
Question 836. Which generation of computers is covered by the period 1964-77?
  1.    First
  2.    Second
  3.    Third
  4.    Forth
  5.    None of the above
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Answer: Option C. -> Third
Question 837. First CAD system called AutoCAD for the PCs was announced in the year 1982. Can you tell who announced it?
  1.    Intel Corpn.
  2.    Rolta India Ltd.
  3.    Autodesk Inc
  4.    AT & T Corp.
  5.    None of the above
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Answer: Option C. -> Autodesk Inc
Question 838. A connection between two end points, either physical or logical, over which data may travel in both directions simultaneously is called _____
  1.    Dump point
  2.    Datalink
  3.    Duplex
  4.    Networks
  5.    None of the above
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Answer: Option C. -> Duplex
Question 839. Which is part of a computer system, enables human operators to communicate with the computer.
  1.    Console
  2.    Keyboard
  3.    Printer
  4.    CPU
  5.    None of the above
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Answer: Option A. -> Console
Question 840. Who invented the microprocessor?
  1.    Marcian E Hoff
  2.    Herman H Goldstein
  3.    Joseph Jacquard
  4.    All of the above
  5.    None of the above
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Answer: Option A. -> Marcian E Hoff

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