Computer Aptitude
Fundamental And Concepts Of Computer
Total Questions : 1289
| Page 72 of 129 pages
Question 711. The CPU of a computer transfers print output to a temporary disk memory at high speed and then gets back to processing another job without waiting for the output to got to the printer. In this way, the CPU does not remain idle due to its own high speed as compared to the low speed of the printer. What is the name of this memory?
Answer: Option D. -> Buffer memory
Answer: Option B. -> data register
Answer: Option A. -> Laser printer
Answer: Option B. -> input, storage, manipulation and outputting of data
Question 716. ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator) had huge advantage over Mark I because it used electronic valves in place of the electromagnetic switches. In the beginning, ENIAC was used for calculating the path of artillery shells. For which other was weapon design was it utilized?
Answer: Option A. -> hydrogen bomb
Answer: Option C. -> Dr. Herman Hollerith
Answer: Option A. -> 1984
Answer: Option C. -> PASCAL
Answer: Option C. -> large volume of numbers