General Knowledge > History
Indian Culture
Earliest evidence of Banking in India is found from the period of Vedic Civilization. During those days, loan deeds called rnapatra (ऋणपत्र) or rnalekhya (ऋणलेख्य) were prevalent. Interest rates as well as usury (सूदखोरी) was prevalent in Vedic India. The Vedic word Kusidin refers to an usurer (सूदखोर).This term is also found in Manusmriti.
The Satapatha Brahamana states that the wife is half her husband and completes him.
The Chola kingdom was known as Cholamandulam, it was situated to the north-east of Pandya kingdom between Pennar and Vellar rivers. Tiger was the royal emblem of Chola Kingdom.
Madurai was the capital of Pandya Kingdom.
Devatadhyaksha was appointed to perform the duties related to religious institutions.
The epic tamil poem, Jivaka Cintamani (also known as Civaka Cintamani) is a Jain religious epic authored by jain saint Tiruttakrdeva. This epic is considered one of the classic epics of Sangam Literature. The poem means “fabulous gem”and is also known as Manannul (Book of Marriages).
Heliodorus was the Greek ambassador of Indo-Greek king Antialcidas Nikephoros of Taxila in the court of Sunga King Bhagbhadra. He erected famous votive Heliodorus pillar around 110 BC near Vidisha, Madhya Pradesh.
The Chola rulers were great builders of temples. During their reign, the most magnificent temples were built in South India. The Chola temples became the centre of importance during their power. Most temples are dedicated to dedicated to Lord Shiva. Brihadeswara temple, Gangaikonda Cholpuram are some of the examples.
Fa-hein, the first Chinese Buddhist traveller and monk, came to India during the reign of Gupta emperor Chandragupta II and wrote the book “Si- Yu-Ki” that gives the detail account of the political and social condition of that time.
Viharas were for the purpose of living, Chaityas were assemblies for the purpose of discussions. Further, Chaityas were with Stupas, Viharas did not have stupas.